Anger arises when we feel we have been treated unfairly or feel like we have been wronged. It is a natural emotional reaction to situations that seem offensive or as though it were a personal attack on us, but if feeling violent or angry often, it might be time to seek professional help. Feeling angry too often can be bad for your health such as an increased risk of heart disease, especially among men. If you are unsure whether you or someone you know needs to take anger management classes or not, the signs below will clarify any doubts you might have.

What Are the Signs of Anger Issues?
Physical signs
Any emotions will bring about physical reactions or changes in the body. When the physical symptoms of angry are ignored, they can put you at a higher risk for a number of health problem. Be aware of these common anger signs:
Tingling in the body
Tightening of the chest
Heart palpitations
Sinus pressure
Increase fatigue
Emotional signs
You probably consider being angry a strong emotional reaction, so much so that you don't even realize there are other emotions that can trigger or indicate anger. Anger related problems or situations can include irritability, anxiety, rage or feeling of overwhelm, which are all emotional symptoms of anger. When these symptoms arise, you can be more disorganized, have trouble managing your thoughts, or even fantasize about doing harm to someone else or yourself.
Over-reacting with anger
Throwing a tantrum over something small that most other people would rarely take notice of is a clear indication of anger management issues. When a person reacts disproportionately angry in common everyday
Memory related anger issues
Holding on to events, people or incidents from the past that causes extreme angry emotions is an indication that they have a hard time letting things go and is one of the signs of anger issues. Allowing the past occurrences to have such strong negative affection on you shows a lack of proper anger management.
Unexplained anger
Experiencing anger is
People around are cautions
People around person with anger issues will often be cautious or guarded when with them. If you notice others
Other people point out your quick temper
It is a clear sign when other people start telling you that you have trouble keeping your temper under control. If more than a couple people have let you know that your temper is becoming an issue, you shouldn't ignore their concern and need to learn anger management.
Unsure if you have anger issues that should be addressed? This short QUIZ will help you recognize how severe your anger issues are.
How to Deal with Anger Issues
Accept it
When it comes to addressing your anger issues, the first step is simply to accept and understand that you have clear signs of anger issues. Once you have accepted it, it will be easier for you to look at what triggers your aggression and how your behavior could be influencing your issues
Surround yourself with positive people
Negative people will only add to your issues. You want to try and surround yourself with as many positive people as possible. Just as you need to be honest with yourself, you need to be honest with those around you, which is why you want them to have a positive influence on you.
Count to calm
When you begin feeling yourself getting aggravated, take a moment to pause and count to 10.
Find support
Work with someone close to you to help come up with possible solutions for your anger. Instead of focusing on what is making you so angry, focus on how you can resolve the issue.
Exercise regularly
Exercise regularly to help reduce stress. Going for a walk or run when you begin to feel angry can be an excellent way to help calm your nerves, not to say other benefits to your health.
Learn relaxation tricks
Begin incorporating relaxation techniques into your daily routine. Deep breathing, yoga, and meditation are all optimal ways to relieve stress and help you think more clearly.
Search professional help
Remember that taking on your anger issues may require professional help. Asking for help when you find it difficult to manage your anger on your own can help you in many ways. It can allow you to learn different coping techniques as well as effective way to communicate your emotions. You can choose to take part in one on one counseling, group sessions, or anger management classes.
Take medications
It may be recommended that drugs as a part of your treatment if your signs of anger issues are due to a chemical reaction. Medications prescribed for those with anger issues will vary from person to person, but the most common medications include:
Benzodiazepines to treat anxiety
Lithium to stabilize mood
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