If you find yourself becoming tired after eating sweets, then it can be a sign that you are eating too much of this sweet substance. Even if you think you are limiting your sugar intake, there is so much sugar added to everyday food, it is nearly impossible to track every trace within your diet without proper investigatory measures. However, there are many other possible causes too. This article will explain why you may experience tiredness after sugar consumption, and what you should do about it.

Why do I Feel Tired After Eating Sugar?
How Your Brain Works
One should also take into account the orexin system when attempting to ascertain why they are feeling tired after consuming sugar. Orexin works to regulate various functions within the brain, including sense of tiredness. Research has shown that consumption of sugar can work to decrease the functionality of orexin, leading to feelings of fatigue and tiredness.
Sugar Crash
The main reason you may feel tired after consuming sugar is due to what is known as a sugar crash. When sugar is consumed, one’s blood sugar level increases as a result. In response to this, the body released insulin from the pancreas, which in turn results in a sudden plummet in blood sugar levels leading to hypoglycemia, which is what causes feelings of tiredness. Other symptoms (though it’s not common) include: headache, diarrhea, constipation, joint pain, mood swings, et cetera.
Sugar Sensitivity
Being tired after sugar consumption may also be an indication of sugar sensitivity. This occurs when levels of the chemicals beta-endorphin and serotonin are low within the brain, and one’s blood sugar levels are increased as a result. This can cause a sensitivity or intolerance to sugar which can lead to a feeling of tiredness.
Blood Sugar Fluctuation Caused by Diabetes
Another factor that may cause an individual to feel tired after eating sugar is diabetes. Being diabetic or even prone to develop the condition can cause this to occur. Both high and low blood sugar levels can cause you to feel tired and fatigued, meaning that such blood sugar level fluctuations caused by diabetes may be the cause of your feelings of tiredness.
If you constantly feel tired after consuming sugar, the best course of action you can take is to pay a visit to your doctor for proper diagnosis. Once you ascertain the exact cause of your condition then you and your healthcare provider can take proper steps to resolve it.
What to Do about It
In most instances, these feelings of tiredness are nothing to worry about and will usually disappear once you resolve the issue that is causing it, be it consuming too much sugar or having a condition like diabetes. In either case, seek the help of your doctor to resolve these issues and replenish your energy levels.
If you find that you are tired after eating sugar, the best way to counteract such cravings is either going cold turkey and abstaining from sugar regardless of cravings, or opting for healthy sources of sugar (such as fresh fruit eaten whole or within a smoothly).
One important thing to remember is to not stop the intake of sugar suddenly but reduce it gradually. If diabetes runs in the family periodically have your physician check your blood sugar levels. If after eating, you start to experience fatigue, headaches, depression, or brain fog you could be eating too much sugar. Remember that almost everything has sugar so you could be eating more sugar than you realize. Check package labels to see how much sugar a serving contains. You could also be eating too many natural sugars in fruit. Unknowingly, the average American consumes about a half cup of sugar a day.
If you find that even if you only consume a small amount of sugar or sugary foods and still experience feelings of tiredness, then completely eliminating sugar from your diet (by decreasing your intake gradually) is the most advisable option, though this should be discussed with a healthcare professional prior to making any decisions.
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