Starting a new job can be very exciting, provoking thoughts of a more prosperous future. This expectation can add large amounts of unneeded pressure onto you, add to that the obstacles one has to deal with when starting a new job (such as not knowing many people, or having to learn new frameworks and ways of working), it is easy to see why many get nervous about new job. This article will detail and explain methods that will prove to be of great assistance if you are starting a new job.

I'm Nervous About My New Job, What Should I Do?
Be Prepared
Getting the job means that you exceeded in the interview, which means you must have been well prepared. It is just as important to be equally prepared for your first day. Well verse yourself in the ethos of your employer, review any documentation they may have given to you, understand what your role will be before you walk through the door.
Remember That You’re New
It is always good to be prepared for a new position, but that's not to say that you will immediately know everything. With every new job there is an expected period of learning wherein you are given time to learn and adjust to your new role.
Start Your Day Early
The last thing you want to be doing in the morning of your first day at a new job is rushing. Waking up early will ensure that you have enough time to get ready in the morning, eat a breakfast to fuel your body and brain, and have adequate time to travel to your new place of work. If you are rushing and get stuck in traffic, or face a delay in train times, you will likely become more nervous about new job.
Learn and Grow
In most cases you will have opportunities to learn new things and grow as both an employee and a person. Working with new people offers you invaluable opportunity to learn from others. New working environments will also likely challenge you with obstacles you may have not encountered before. Whilst this may be seen as daunting by some, you should look at these challenges as opportunities to better yourself.
Remember Why You Were Hired
It is unlikely that you are the only person up for this position. For you to be starting your first day, it means that they chose you over other potential candidates. You should see this as incredibly motivating, as it shows that they believe you have what it takes, and so should you.
Remain Calm
If you feel nervous, stressed or overwhelmed, it is important to not let such feelings overcome your entire character. You could try to practice deep breathing techniques prior to your first day, and if you feel overly stressed you can take some deep, focused breaths to relax yourself. You don't want to seam stressed or uptight to your new colleagues, so remain calm, be happy and willing to work hard.
Meeting New People
Meeting new people can cause great anxiety in some individuals. Remember that first and foremost you are there to work, not socialize. That being said, asking a new colleague to lunch, or asking them professional or personal (but not intruding) questions during breaks, can be a great way to break the ice and begin to form rapports with your new colleagues. Remember that if you work hard and are open to criticisms (as well as willing to adjust) your co-workers will likely respect you as a professional.
Understand That Everything Will Be Ok
If you are nervous about new job, then remember that it is very normal and will definitely pass. Once you pass the initial phase of being the new person at the workplace, you will notice that everything becomes more natural. The more you do something, the better you become, so your new job will get easier the longer you are there. This can take anywhere from a week to a year or more, depending on the difficulty of the role and your prior experience, as well as your willingness to learn and better yourself.
Tips for Your First Day at a New Job
Maintain Professionalism
This is important throughout your working life, but especially so on your first day. First impressions are important so you want to ensure to be polite and able to cooperate with your coworkers, always be punctual and show up to work on time, and try to avoid any conflict.
Don't Step on Toes
If you are a newcomer to the workplace, then it is probably best to listen to the senior employees and to those who have been there longer and may understand how the business operates better. Never be afraid to speak your ideas where appropriate, but also listen to those who may know more than you.
Create an Ideal Workspace
On your first day you should, if possible, familiarize yourself with your workspace and also adapt it to your personal needs.
Keep Your Feet on the Ground
Being nervous about new job could lead you to overcompensate by trying to do too much. Don't make promises you can't keep or agree to do task that you know you will struggle to complete. This will cause you to come across as unprofessional, which is not the impression you want to impose upon your colleagues or bosses.
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