So many factors can contribute to swollen hands. You might have a problem with circulation or have a condition like carpal tunnel syndrome and arthritis. Sometimes, you have swollen hands due to an insect bite or a stroke. Whatever the underlying cause, there are some home remedies that can help you understand how to reduce swelling in hands. Let's find out more about it.

Home Remedies to Reduce Swelling in Hands

Some information about the underlying cause usually helps adopt the best approach to reduce swelling. Nevertheless, you can always try some home remedies to make situation better.

Take Some Rest

If you develop swelling while performing an activity, stop right away. Resting your hand and wrist for some time may help prevent complications. If you have to continue doing your activities, such as typing, consider changing the mechanics of the movement. You can consider making use of a splint while recovering from an injury.


Compress Your Wrist and Hand

When considering how to reduce swelling in hands, it is a good idea to use an ace wrap to compress your wrist and hand. This will help prevent fluid from accumulating in the wrist. Typists and knitters should consider using fingerless compression gloves to reduce swelling in the hand. When you consider wearing gloves or wraps, you should ensure they are not too tight to affect proper blood circulation to the fingers.


Soak in Ice Water

Soaking your affected hand in ice water may help reduce swelling. Extremely cold temperatures may also make matters worse, so you may consider using an ice water soak only if your swelling is due to a bruise or injury. Simply fill a bowl with ice water and submerge your hands in it for 10 minutes. When you can no longer stand the cold, take a 5-minute break and then repeat. Keep doing the same for at least an hour. This helps constrict blood vessels and push fluids out of your hands, which in turn helps reduce swelling. Be sure to dry your hands thoroughly with a towel when you are done.


Pay Attention to Your Diet

To understand how to reduce swelling in hands, you also need to pay attention to what you eat while recovering. Limit the intake of salt because a high-sodium diet is only going to promote fluid retention and make matters worse. You should also avoid packaged and processed snack foods, ketchups, deli meats, and flavored dips because they are all hidden sources of sodium. Also, limit your intake of alcoholic and caffeinated beverages and instead, you can use herbal teas. Increase your intake of fresh fruit, water, and vegetables.  


Take Pain Relievers

In case you have developed swelling in your hands after an injury, you may also experience some pain as well. Taking an OTC pain reliever may help in this regard. Pain relievers like ibuprofen may help ease your pain and even play a role in reducing swelling in your hands.


Massage Your Hands

Massaging your hands may help because it improves blood circulation to the area. You can use one hand to massage the other. Be sure to start your massage at the tip of each finger and then move down towards the palm. Once you have massaged your fingers, you should now move on to your palm and then finish by massaging your wrist. Remember to move in the direction of your heart--up rather than down to the fingertips. Along with rubbing and massaging your fingers on your own, you can also seek professional help. Professional massage services may help you understand the right technique to massage your fingers to maximize benefits.


Exercise Your Swollen Fingers

When your fingers are swollen, you can try some exercises to help move excess fluid out of the affected area. You do not have to do anything special actually, because an exercise as simply as typing at a keyboard or flexing your fingers a bit may do the trick. Moreover, it will also help to take a short 15-mintue walk daily because movement will help send excess fluid back towards the heart. Be sure to swing your hands gently while walking. Keep in mind that if you are obese and have swollen hands, it could be because your lymphatic system is not functioning properly. Regular exercise and a diet of protein, fruits and vegetables will help boost your lymphatic system and reduce swelling in return.


Keep Your Hands Elevated

Poor circulation could always be one of the reasons why you have swollen hands. Elevating your hands is one simple way when considering how to reduce swelling in hands. All you have to do is to elevate your hands and keep it above your heart level for at least half an hour thrice a day. This will help treat severe edema. It also helps to keep your hands elevated while sleeping. For minor swelling, you usually need to keep your hands elevated for a short time only. Another useful exercise is to raise your hands above your head, interlock them, and then take them behind your head. Now, move your head back to create some resistance. Return to the starting position after 30 seconds.


Stay in a Temperature Controlled Environment

You should ensure that you maintain a moderate temperature in your home and office. This helps encourage better blood circulation. You should avoid hot showers, compresses, and hot baths because they may actually make swelling worse.


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