It always end up happening at the most inconvenient of times. You're in a class, on a first date or surrounded by people you would be mortified around if you passed gas in their presence. It would be nice to be able to excuse yourself in these situations, but that's not always an option. The only thing you can do in times like these to avoid any embarrassment is to hold it in. Then how to hold in a fart? Keep reading to learn some useful tips and suggestions.

How Can You Hold in a Fart?
Tighten your butt checks
Clenching your butt cheeks tightly together can prevent gas from passing through because there is no space for it to escape from. Simply keeping your anus tight and holding it. This method can be painful and if you loosen your butt, there is a chance of the fart coming out. Keep in mind that if the first urge to fart passes, the urge will return and the fart will most likely be more forceful than the original.
Improve your posture
Standing up straight when you feel the urge to fart can help give the gas in your body more room to move without actually letting it out. Raise your head as high as you can lift it and keep your posture erect and the urge to fart should leave you, without actually leaving you.
Shift in your seat
When you are sitting and you feel the urge to fart, you can try to slowly shift from one butt cheek to the other. This method takes a bit of practice because it can often be obvious. The back and forth motion, however, can reduce your urge to fart or make it less noisy if it does escape.
Or you can lean in your chair. Place your hands on the arms of the chair and lean forward slightly so that your weight is on your toes. This will cause you to lift your
Change your position
You don't want to make any quick changes to your position but slowly shifting from standing to sitting, or vice versa can help move the gas to another part of your body. If you are unable to change your position from sitting to
Try to lay down
While this isn't always appropriate, if
People may have different ways to hold a fart that work for themselves, you can click HERE to know others' experience to learn some that might also work for you.
How to Fart Quietly
Release slowly
Letting out your fart quickly will only make the fart come out louder. Slowly releasing your farts will reduce the noise that goes along with it. Take a deep breath in while you tighten or squeeze your abdomen, then exhale slowly as you let the fart out.
Make a noise
One way to hide the noise of your fart is to try and cover it up with another noise. Sneezing, coughing, talking loudly on your phone or turning up some music can all be used to help hide the noise as you release gas.
Walk and release
One of the oldest tricks to use when farting is to walk as you do it. Walking while farting means that the sound and smell won't linger around you as you do it, so it is less suspicious. If possible, try to walk into another room that isn't occupied s
Go to another room
If you are able to leave the current room you are in when you get the urge to fart, do so. You can use one of methods of how to hold in a fart methods above until you are able to get to an empty room and then just release for fart without the worry of anyone being around to witness what you are doing.
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