Even when not intense, a persistent toothache can still be quite difficult to ignore. You may not be experiencing a stabbing or jabbing sensation in your tooth, but soreness in the mouth can still make you feel very uncomfortable. It is also not a good idea to ignore toothache that comes and goes even if it seems quite mild – your teeth have to do so much throughout the day, which can easily aggravate your condition and even convert mild pain into something very serious. Let's find out more about it.

The Different Types of Toothache Pain and What They Reveal
Sharp, Shooting Pain
You experience this pain due to tooth sensitivity, which is usually the result of constant wear and tear or demineralization of tooth enamel. Tooth sensitivity could also be due to cracked tooth, decaying dental cavity, and gum recession where the root becomes exposed. Using a hard bristle brush can damage tooth enamel and cause tooth hypersensitivity, which again will result in a sharp, shooting pain.
Chronic, Lingering Pain
You may experience this type of toothache when you have nerve damage. The damage could be the result of advanced tooth decay, teeth grinding, and trauma to the affected area.
Pain or Discomfort When Eating
You are likely to experience pain while eating if you have a cracked tooth. Tooth decay will also cause a similar type of toothache.
Severe Throbbing Pain
If you have swelling under the jaw of your affected side along with a swollen face, you are likely to have an infection from an abscess. In case of an infection, you may also have swollen lymph nodes.
Pain to the Back of the Jaw
This type of toothache occurs mainly due to impacted wisdom teeth. These teeth may sometimes stay below the surface of your gum line and make you feel pain whenever you apply pressure through biting. This could also be due to Temporomandibular Joint Disorder (TMJ) or tooth grinding. In this case, you will experience pain in the facial bones, in the jaw, and the boney structure in your outer ear canals.
Common Causes of Toothache
Tooth Decay
Tooth decay actually refers to cavity. When plaque eats away the outer surface of your tooth, you are left with a decayed tooth that can cause severe pain. Plaque damages your teeth by attaching itself to the tooth enamel and then triggering the release of enamel-dissolving acid. It continues to spread inwards and destroys the dentin. You are going to experience excruciating pain if plaque hits the nerve.
Inflammation of the Pulp
Also called pulpitis, you experience this condition because the tissues in the middle of your tooth become inflamed or irritated. Overtime, the irritation turns into severe pressure inside the tooth, which in turn puts stress on the gums as well as surrounding tissue. You may have to go for a root canal procedure to resolve this issue. Be sure to have it treated quickly or else you will end up dealing with excruciating pain.
Cracks and Fractures
You may experience a severe toothache when there are small cracks in teeth. General wear and tear can always leave small cracks in your teeth. Fractures may be the result of a trauma. You can also develop dental cracks when eating things like popcorn or ice. Some cracks are so evident that you may feel them with your tongue. They cause a dull pain, but some people may also develop tooth sensitivity.
Impacted Wisdom Teeth
Any tooth can become impacted when there is something restricting its natural movement. This is usually more common with emerging wisdom teeth mainly because they develop years after the rest of the adult teeth have developed completely. Sometimes, there is not enough room for the wisdom teeth to come out completely. This leaves them trapped beneath your gum, causing toothache that comes and goes.
Gum Disease
Your pain could indicate a gum disease, such as gingivitis or periodontitis. It actually refers to an infection of the gum tissue that is around your teeth. When left untreated, the disease can cause persistent tooth loss and even degenerate the gums completely. Due to the bacterial infection, the gums fail to keep the teeth in place. The tooth may recede and result in gaps and pockets, which provide bacteria with a safe place to multiply and directly affect the tooth roots.
Sensitive Teeth
Even when there is no particular sign of decay and infection, you may still feel toothache that comes and goes mainly because you have sensitive teeth. You may be wondering why your teeth are sensitive to changes in cold air and temperature even when you do not have an infection or decay. Well, you are one of those people who have very sensitive teeth. You do not require any treatment, so long as there is no damage done to the structure of your teeth. Sometimes, the use of specially designed toothpaste may help control sensitivity.
Other Causes
Not many people know it but you may experience toothache because you have pain or infection in other parts of the body, especially the ears and nose. You are likely to experience toothache in the upper row due to sinus infection or congestion.
Home Remedies for Toothache Pain
Use Raw Potatoes for Relief
Take a raw potato, peel its skin, and then cut a slice small enough to fit on the affected area in your mouth. Be sure to keep potato in the refrigerator before use. This will not treat the underlying problem, but will certainly offer some temporary relief.
Use Garlic Cloves for Relief
Garlic has antibacterial properties and can help you fight with infection in your tooth. Simply take garlic cloves and place on the affected tooth for a few minutes to ease the pain.
Try a Slice of Ginger
Just like garlic cloves, ginger also works great to clear a bacterial infection. Take a slice of ginger and place it on the infected tooth for pain relief.
Use Olive Oil for Relief
Take a small amount of olive oil, heat it for a few minutes, and then use a cotton ball to apply it directly to your affected tooth. You can also pour some oil on the affected area and then cover it with cotton to ease your pain.
Use a Saline Solution for Relief
Another simple way to ease your toothache is to combine salt and warm water and then gargle with it a few times. It also helps relieve wisdom tooth pain.
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