Diaper dermatitis or commonly known as diaper rash is a skin issue common with babies. It is typically the result of the skin remaining wet, irritation from the diaper or the skin coming in contact with chemicals released from urine or stool. This often is not a serious problem but can be incredibly uncomfortable for the baby. Every mom wants to know diaper rash treatment to help their baby heal quickly and provide comfort to baby.

How to Treat Diaper Rash
Clean and dry
One of the most effective ways to prevent and relieve diaper rash is to always keep the baby's diaper clean and dry. Consider keeping your baby out of a diaper for short periods of time throughout the day. When your baby is not wearing a diaper, you should lay them on a towel to keep the area dry. When you do put a diaper on them, make sure it is not too tight.
Gently clean the area after changing your baby's diaper. You can use baby wipes or a soft damp cloth to clean your baby.
When giving your baby a bath, use mild soaps. Always pat your baby dry instead of rubbing them dry with a towel.
Changing the diaper tips
It is important to change your baby's diaper frequently when they do have diaper rash. Changing you baby as soon as they have soiled their diaper will reduce irritation and help the rash heal faster.
If you are using cloth diapers on your baby, be sure to thoroughly rinse the diaper so all soap is removed after you have washed them. If using disposable diapers, try to find super-absorbent diapers that will help keep the area dry.
Provide more air to the area
To help diaper rash heal more quickly, you want to expose the area to more air. Consider these tips to increase airflow to the area.
Let you baby go diaper free a few times a day when it comes to diaper rash treatment. Leave your child out of a diaper and do not put ointment on them for about ten minutes a few times a day.
Do not put airtight pants or diaper cover on them.
Put them in diapers that are slightly larger for them until the rash has healed completely.
Medicated creams
You don't need a prescription to get a diaper rash medication to help treat your baby's diaper rash, but you should talk to your child's pediatrician or the pharmacist for recommendations.
The most popular over the counter diaper rash creams will contain zinc oxide and are generally applied a few times a day. A thin layer will supply the area with soothing relief and added protection. These creams can often be used with other medicated creams like a steroidal cream or anti-fungal cream. To help keep the diaper from sticking to the cream, apply a small amount of petroleum on top.
While these creams and ointments can help protect the skin, ointments will not allow for much air to reach the skin. Creams, however, will dry on the skin and allow airflow to reach the area.
Note: Use products that are designed specifically for babies. Any creams that contain baking soda, camphor, phenol, benzocaine, boric acid, salicylates or diphenhydramine can be harmful when used on babies.
Home remedies to treat diaper rash
Oatmeal. Oatmeal are one highly effective diaper rash treatment because the oatmeal contains soothing proteins that will protect and preserve the baby's skin. The saponin compound will remove oils and dirt from the pores that can make the rash worse. Add a tablespoon of dry oatmeal to your baby's bath water and let them soak in the water for ten minutes. Repeat this bath twice a day until the rash is cleared.
Coconut oil. Coconut oil can be used to provide relief from the diaper rash while helping the area to heal because of its anti-fungal and antimicrobial properties. You can either gently apply a small amount of coconut oil to the area or add a few tablespoons of the oil into your baby's bath water.
Shea butter. Many benefits of Shea butter range from being anti-fungal and anti-inflammatory to being able to improve circulation and increase cell regeneration. Apply a small amount to the rash area after you have bathed and allowed your baby to dry completely. Be gently when rubbing the butter into the skin and leave it on for a few minutes before putting a fresh diaper on your baby.
French green clay. If the diaper rash was caused from a yeast infection, then French green clay can be a highly effective treatment. This product can often be found as a facial mask but will help prevent the rash from spreading to surrounding areas while letting the skin heal quickly. Simply sprinkle some of the French green clay to the skin each time you change the baby's diaper.
Breast milk. One of the best and convenient diaper rash treatments can be breast milk. Since breast milk fights off infections, it can easily cure your baby's diaper rash. Just rub a little of the breast milk on the rash area and let it dry before placing a clean diaper on your baby.
When to See the Doctor
Most often diaper rashes will look more painful than they actually are and usually will not bother your baby at all. These rashes can, however, become infected which is when you will want to contact your baby's pediatrician. If you notice any of the following, they can be a good indication that the rash is infected.
Discharge or pus.
Rash worsens or does not go away with other treatments.
Candida can also develop from diaper rashes, leaving the skin raw and bright red. If you notice spots of the rash outside the diaper area, abdomen or down the thighs, these can be satellite lesion in which case you will want to take you baby to the doctors.
Anytime your child becomes impossible to console while they have a diaper rash, this can be a result of pain from the area and is also a sign that you should see your baby's pediatrician.
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