We face many aggravating situations on a regular basis. You get cut off in traffic, your child disobeys you, your partner is running late again, and no one helps with the housework. Whether it is at the job or at home, anger can quickly make you do or say things that you wouldn't otherwise do. This may not be best for your personal or professional relationships, besides, you should also be concerned about the effect on health. Never thinking shouting when you’re anger can impact your health? You'll change your mind after reading this article.

What Are the Effects of Shouting on Health Due to Anger?
On the heart
After having an outburst of anger, your chances of having a heart attack doubles for the next two hours after. Anger is associated with heart disease especially for those who indirectly express their anger or try excruciatingly to control it. While anger is a normal emotion, you need to deal with it directly and in a problem-solving manner.
Increase risk of stroke
You are three times more likely to suffer from a stroke if you regularly have anger outbursts. Anger increases your risk of blood clots or bleeding of the brain for nearly two hours after you have had an outburst. Individuals with an aneurysm in the brain's arteries who are unable to control their anger issues are six times more likely to rupture the aneurysm after an outburst of anger.
Weaken the immune system
Being anger all the time will often leave you feeling sick more often. When having intense feelings of anger, even when it is brought about by recalling an aggravating past event, the antibody immunoglobulin A levels drop significantly. These antibodies are what helps fight off infections in the body, so anger will leave you more prone to being sick.
If you suffer from anxiety, anger can cause it to worsen. Anxiety and anger for many individuals often go hand in hand. Individuals who worry more may be more angry or hostile in their daily lives.
Individuals who suffer from aggressive behavior or anger issues are more likely to suffer from depression as well. The effects of shouting on health, especially your mental health, can be incredibly negative. Passive anger is common in individuals who suffer from depression. This type of anger is one that the person holds in and never takes action on.
Harmful to the lungs
Anger can have a negative effect on the lungs as well and can increase the risk of respiratory issues. Individuals who have higher levels of anger tend to also have more difficulties with their lungs functioning properly. This could be a result of the increase of stress hormones in the body, which can cause inflammation in the airways.
Shorten your life expectancy
Feeling angry all the time can shorten your lifespan. Happier people really do live longer. Individuals who suffer from anger issues, especially those that hold onto anger, tend not to live as long as individuals who are happier on a regular basis.
How to Deal with Anger Properly
Being physically active can help reduce stress which can make it easier to control your anger. When you feel your anger starting to boil over, it is best to go for a run or walk. Incorporating exercise into your daily routine will allow you to feel better about yourself as well as improve your overall health. Changing the environment you are in when angry is also the aim of exercise.
Deep breaths
Anger causes your body to tense up which can escalate the emotion more. By practicing deep breathing exercises, you can reduce the tension in your body and allow you to calm your angry emotions.
Stop before you speak
The effects of shouting on health can also have a negative effect on your relationships as well. It can be easy to say something you regret and don't mean when you are angry. When you are angry at someone or about a situation, it is best to refocus your thoughts before you speak. Once you are in a calmer state, you can better express your angry in a more proactive way.
Express your anger calmly
You don't want to hold onto your anger, so it is best to address the frustration you feel when you are calm enough to do so. Once you are calm, you can express your concerns in an assertive but not confrontational way. This will allow you to let go of the anger and work on improving the situation.
Focus on solutions
It can be easy to just focus on what has caused you to become angry, but this will often lead to you remaining angry or becoming angrier. Instead of focusing on what has caused you to be angry, focus your energy on solutions. Being angry won't fix the problems, but there is always a solution you can find that will allow you to avoid the situations that cause you to become angry.
Relaxation techniques
Yoga, deep breathing exercises, and visualization are great techniques to learn that can help you better control your anger. When you feel you are becoming angry, take a few deep breaths, do a five-minute yoga sequence, listen to some music, or simply write down what you are feeling. Sometimes just getting the angry emotions out on paper will allow you to better find a solution.
Find something funny
The effects of shouting on health can cause you to feel sad, unmotivated and make you forget to find the good in situations. Humor is a great way to help relieve the anger and stress you feel. Making jokes can help defuse hostile situations, but try not to be sarcastic as this can often be taken the wrong way and make the situation worse.
Stay positive
Your mind tends to believe what you tell it. If you are constantly thinking or telling yourself how angry you are, you will remain that way. Instead, have some positive affirmation on hand that you can repeat to yourself.
Get help
While it is perfectly normal to feel angry sometimes and even shout every once in a while, it can become a serious issue if it happens more often than not. If you are having serious issues controlling your angry, have become physically or verbally abusive to those around you when you are angry and have tried to control your angry with little success, it might be time to seek professional help.
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