One of the most inconvenient times for ladies is when they have their monthly period. Aside from the discomfort of cramps and abdominal pain, you also have to wear bulky menstrual pads.
Thanks to tampons, you get to live your "red period" days quiet normally. You can go on with your daily life, you can still wear fitted white jeans when you have your period and still play sports like swimming without having to worry that someone will notice you're wearing menstrual protection.
But you must have these questions on your mind. Could you pee with a tampon in? Do you have to change your tampon every time you pee? Can you pee without soaking the string? Read on this article to know the effective tips in peeing in your tampon and know when you have to change to a new one.

Can You Pee with a Tampon in?
Good news is, you can certainly pee with a tampon in. You must be thinking that it will block the flow of urine, but it doesn't. You insert the tampon inside your vagina and the pee goes out of your vagina so how can it block your urine? Unknown to many, the vagina has two openings. Yes, that's right. Two openings.
The first one is a tiny opening near the front of your vagina. This is the exit of your urethra – the tube that is responsible for carrying urine from the bladder outside your body. Underneath it is the second opening, a larger one where you insert your tampon in.
A tampon will not interfere with the flow of urine; however, the string will not be totally spared from some pee as it flows out of your body. You don't have to worry if some pee gets to the tampon string. Your urine is free from bacteria, unless you have urinary tract infection. You won’t be able to get an infection by just peeing on a tampon string.
So you can answer the question "can you pee with a tampon in", then you may wonder "does the actual tampon get wet?" For this question, yes it may, but this only means that it was not inserted properly. You should insert the tampon far enough inside the vagina so that only the string in showing.
How to Avoid Peeing on the Tampon String
Though it is completely safe for your health when you get some pee on your tampon string, it may feel uncomfortable when it becomes wet.
1. Sit on the toilet seat but don't urinate just yet. If you’re using a public toilet though, it is not advisable to seat on the toilet seat. What you can do instead is to squat or use seat liner or cover the seat with several strips of toilet paper.
Before sitting down, make sure that you have already lifted your dress or pulled down your pants.
Tightly squeeze the muscles around your urethra so you don’t pee as soon as you sit down.
2. Reach between your legs and move the string of the tampon to the side. Move it out of the urine's way by holding it against your thigh. You may also pull the string back towards the anus, but only do this if you're not moving your stool.
3. Continue holding the string and take a pee.
4. With one hand still holding the string, wipe normally from front to back.
These steps showed you on "how can you pee with a tampon in without getting the string wet".
However, what if you have to move your bowel? While it’s okay to pee in the tampon string since urine is sterile (unless you have UTI), human feces on the other hand are carriers of bacteria that can lead to infection. So if you want to avoid this happening, just hold the string against your thigh.
What will you do if some stool get into the string? Get some tissue paper and remove the tampon out and throw it away. Before you insert a new tampon, make sure that you’ve washed your hands to avoid any infections.
More Things You Should Know About Using Tampon
Now that we have learned how to urinate without getting the tampon string wet, are there still ways of using tampon that we may be doing wrong? Yes, there are many that you should pay attention to.
Washing your hands only after you insert the tampon. Washing your hands before insertion is equally important to ensure that you don’t put yourself in the risk of getting infections from bacteria that may be lingering in your hands.
Not inserting the tampon far enough. You would know that it's too shallow when you feel uncomfortable. When tampon is positioned properly, you won't feel anything at all.
You only change it once a day. You should change your tampons every 4 to 8 hours, even when you don’t have heavy flows anymore. Moist tampons give you a higher risk of toxic shock syndrome (TSS). So can you pee with a tampon in? Yes you can, but you need to change it more than once a day.
You're only using one kind of tampon. Tampons that have higher absorbency increase your risk of getting TSS. Use them only during your heavy-flow days and switch to regular tampons on your regular flow days.
Using tampon even after your period ends. Better safe than sorry, right? Nope, inserting a dry tampon into a dry vagina sill just give you extreme discomfort.
Not changing your tampon after bowel movement. As discussed above, you will be prone to infection if that string of tampon picked up some bacteria. Plus, taking a dump may dislodge the tampon and will cause discomfort.
Wearing two tampons at a time. It increases the likelihood of forgetting the other one or losing the other string. If you feel that your flow is too heavy, upgrade your tampon to a bigger or higher-absorbency one.
Not changing your tampons after swimming. Though tampons make swimming possible when you have your period, change it after you take a dip in the pool, hot tub or ocean. Tampon string exposed to sea water or chlorine can cause skin irritation if not changed afterwards.
Using of scented tampons. While some women can insert anything up there with no problem at all, others develop allergic reaction from the fragrance in the tampon. Stick with the regular unscented ones instead.
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