First dates can be nerve-wracking for any man. You want to make a good first impression to ensure this first date is just the beginning of many more to come. But, how should you dress? What will you talk about? How should you act? There are a number of thoughts that can go through a man's head that can make him into a ball of nerves. So, what can you do to ensure that your first date is one you and your date will enjoy? We've made a list of the dos and don'ts of first date etiquette for men that will help you plan and pull off a memorable first date that can lead to many more.

Tips for First Date for Every Man
Dress to Impress. This should be an obvious one since you want to look your best on the first date. You can expect her to put a lot of time and effort into making herself look good for you, so you want to return the favor. Put some consideration into what you wear and consider what you are planning so that you dress appropriately for the occasion. Make sure your outfit fits your body type, that your clothes are clean and pressed and that you look presentable. Having a clean shave and nice smelling cologne are parts of the dressing process, so don't skip out on properly grooming yourself.
Keep the Entire Evening Open. The best night for dates is on a Friday or Saturday evening and you'll want to make sure you have the whole night free. You never know how well the date might go and the hours may just fly by. The first date is an opportunity to really get to know one another and you don't want to rush this process. Keep the evening open, don't plan to meet up with your friends afterward and try not to have to end the night early because you have to work in the morning.
Pick Her Up. An instant way to impress her is to pick her up for your date. Arrive five minutes early and go up to her door to get. Making her meet you at the location where your date will begin is not proper first date etiquette for men because it can be uncomfortable for her, especially if she arrives early and has to wait for you. When you pick her up from her home, it not only shows your consideration, it will also give you another chance to drop her back off at her home, which shows you are being thoughtful about her returning safely as well.
Be a Gentleman. Holding the door open for her, sliding out her chair and allowing her to order first are all small gestures that can go a long way. She'll take instant notice of these acts of chivalry which will make her feel special and will get you a lot of bonus points.
Turn Off Your Phone. It is hard for most people to make it just 20 minutes without checking their phones, but when you are on a date, you absolutely want to switch it off. The person you are taking out should have your full attention and not be fighting for it because of notification or alerts continuously sounding.
Pay the Tab. Avoid any awkwardness when the check comes by paying for the tab without making it too obvious. While some women may feel uncomfortable with you paying the full tab and try to insist pay for at least half, this can put a damper on the evening. When you get to the restaurant or bar where you will be dining, simply give the waiter or bartender your card at the beginning of the evening. In this way everything is taken care of and you avoid the splitting of the bill discussion.
Do All the Talking. As a rule of thumb, follow the 60/40 first date etiquette rule. You should only be doing about 40 percent of the talking and you should be asking a lot of question. You want to be interested not just interesting.
Talk About Your Ex. It is never a good idea to talk about your past relationships on a first date, ever. No matter how interested she may look, she isn't and it doesn't show you in the best light to bring up your exes. Avoid venting or discussing your ex even if you have a bunch of positive things to say about them. It can make you look as though you aren't over them.
Be Misleading. First dates are where you both decide if you want to put the effort into a second date. You'll want to be honest about what type of relationship you are looking for and listen to what type she is looking for. If you guys aren't on the same page, don't lie thinking that she may change her mind. Enjoy the date but don't mislead her or say what you think she wants to hear.
Be Too Judgmental. You have your standards, which is a good thing, but don't let you high standards stop you from enjoying your date's company. While it's good to have a few key qualifications for the people you are interested in, you need to keep an open mind as well. Just because they may not dress the exact way you like or may have an offbeat quirk, don't allow these minor details keep you from giving her a chance.
Force It. If you aren't feeling them, then there's nothing you can do. You don't want to make her feel uncomfortable but don't agree to sit through another round of drinks when you'd much rather head back to your place and drink a beer in sweatpants. While this first date etiquette for men seems a little bit harsh, you don't need to keep a date going if you don't want to - just don't be rude or too abrupt about cutting the night short.
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