Walking is a very beneficial activity for all age groups. A few steps a day will give higher chances of keeping the doctor away. It can help one lose weight and stay fit. Also, walking can de-stress the mind and body, leading to a lower blood pressure. This will also be of great help in lowering the risk of having chronic diseases. Regular walking is the easiest and best way to achieve a healthier and stronger body.

What Are the Benefits of Walking?
It improves the blood circulation.
Regular walking exercises and other physical activities are good for the heart. It enhances the blood circulation, leading to lower blood pressure. This also reduces the risk of chronic diseases such as stroke. Studies show that brisk walking for around 30 minutes a day greatly help in improving and strengthening the health of the heart.
It sharpens the mental ability.
Walking as a form of exercise is highly recommended to reduce the risk of brain disorders such as Alzheimer’s disease and dementia. Studies also showed that it can help in reversing the possible effects of aging. The cognitive ability can also be improved by walking in a backward manner. This backward walk can help increase the rate of thinking and reflex of a person. One can also include series of mind enhancing moves in the routine to boost the brain. These patterns and moves will develop the proper coordination of the brain and the body.
It strengthens the bones.
The bones become stronger through the regular walking routines. This strengthening of the bones will reduce the risk of bone-related issues such as osteoporosis. Studies show that hours of walking can reduce the risk of hip fractures. This exercise offers similar results to vigorous activities such as running and jumping.
It boosts the mood.
As one of the benefits of walking, walking off the troubles, problems, and worries can reduce the stress levels and improve the mood of a person. This may be accounted to the beauty of the surroundings and the breath of fresh air. The green sceneries and the wonderful sounds of animals give a fresh and relaxing feeling. This can result in a positive outlook on life that can help reduce the frustration level. Others find walking outdoors as a form of relief and even meditation.
It helps improve balance.
The regular walking routine strengthens the lower parts of the body. As one age, the balance, as well as the performance of the muscles, is affected. Walking can help prevent the possible tripping and falling brought about by the loss of balance and weakness of the muscles.
It improves the blood glucose levels.
Walking any time of the day or night can help improve the blood glucose levels in the body. But a study showed that walking for around 15 minutes right after a meal is more effective in lowering the sugar level in the blood.
It raises the immunity of the body.
When talking about the benefits of walking, you can't miss this point. Walking for a certain period of the day helps in fighting off illness and disease. These steps greatly help in improving the immune system of the body. Other than the immunity, it can also improve and maintain the weight of a person, leading to a healthier body with a lower risk of diseases such as cancer and diabetes.
It gives a good night sleep.
Regular walking gives one a good and sound sleep. It also allows one to sleep faster, especially those who are suffering from insomnia. The walking may be done in the morning to get some sunlight as this naturally helps in the circadian rhythms of the body.
It improves creativity.
Walking tends to serve as an inspiration to new ideas and thoughts. The study shows that the creativity level of a person increases during the walking exercise. This may be accounted to the relaxing feeling that the body and the mind undergo during the entire walking routine. Creative responses are produced whether walking was done indoors or outdoors.
It gives more energy.
Walking as an exercise program can reduce the feeling of weakness and fatigue. Studies show that this low-intensity exercise will not wipe out a person. Instead, it can increase the energy level to around 20 percent and decrease the fatigue level to around 65 percent. This will give more energy to proceed with the day to day activities.
How Much Do You Need to Walk to Get the Benefits of Walking?
Some studies show that an estimate of 10,000 steps a day is highly recommended to achieve the optimum walking benefits. The number of steps is equivalent to about five miles per day. This is quite challenging especially to people who are living a sedentary lifestyle like those who sit on the desk the entire day.
Another study, from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, states that one should walk around 7,000 to 8,000 steps a day. This means that one, especially adults, should engage in a 150 minutes activity per week. Activities may include the moderate ones such as brisk walking to achieve the recommendation given by the U.S. CDC.
The recommended number of steps may be daunting or frightening. That is why, The Mayo Clinic recommends the use of pedometer. This is a good start up to take the daily extra 1,000 steps until the target of 10,000 steps per day is achieved.
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