One of the frustrating conditions in life is when you find that you are gaining weight but have no idea about the reasons. You must be wondering “why do I keep gaining weight” even though you are eating healthy and keeps going to gym. In fact, there are lots of factors that can lead to weight gain. Some of the factors are usually out of control by the individual. But don’t worry too much! Several weight loss tricks have come to light. Find out your issues here to resolve your troubles.

Why Do I Keep Gaining Weight?


A Sedentary Life

If your job involves sitting for a whole day, even though you work out every day, it may ruin all your efforts and lead to weight gain.

Fix it:

The solution under this circumstance is to increase more standing and walking. One must take at least 10,000 steps daily to burn more calories. Use a device like pedometer to make sure you can achieve your daily goal.


Overconsumption of Healthy Foods

One of the major mistakes that people make is that they think healthy foods are just okay and contain lesser calories. However, over-consumption of healthy foods such as avocado, dark chocolate and nuts can also lead to a gain in body weight.

Fix it:

Never make the wrong assumption that all the healthy food is in low calorie. You should pay attention to the portion control when you are consuming your meal next time.

One should always take into consideration that:

  • Nut butter should not larger than a ping-pong ball.

  • Lean meat should be of the size of deck cards

  • Serving rice and pasta should be fist-size.



If you find yourself asking “Why do I keep gaining weight?” You should also ask yourself another question: “Do I drink enough water today?” Lack of water can result in the increase in calories as one eats other foods. When the body gets dehydrated, it preserves the water for the vital metabolic functions which can lead to water retention and a gain in weight.

Fix it:

The solution to body dehydration is simple. One should keep the body moisturized by taking eight glasses (64 ounces) of water daily.



Many anti-depressant medications can lead to cravings for particular types of foods such as carbohydrates and some medications even increase appetite. The alternative view is that depression may let people have no interest in food, but once the drugs become effective, people will increase appetites and overeat.

Fix it:

Solution to this condition is to change medications, for some types are more likely to lead to weight gain. But changing medications may influence their effectiveness, which you should try a lot and pay more attention.


Dietary Changes

Some people may consider skipping meals as a good way to cut weight, but it might worsen the situation resulting in a gain of weight. Skipping a meal may enable one to have excessive appetite to eat more at the next meal and gain weight.

Fix it:

One is recommended to eat three meals and a few snacks on a daily basis. The food consumed should not be refined grains or higher saturation of fats or sugar. Instead, one should consider consuming nutritious foods, such as, fruits and vegetables and lean proteins.



As we grow older, there is a loss of muscle mass. Our metabolism slows down, which can cause weight gain even though we eat the same quantity of the food as we did at a young age.

Fix it:

One should keep the lean and youthful figure by stating active. One should consider a combination of the weight and cardio bearing exercises to keep the lean body mass and muscle tissues, elevating the metabolism.


Inadequate Sleep

Staying up late can cause a gain in weight. When one stays awake for long, there is an increased release of the hunger hormone ghrelin and a decreased level of leptin. According to research, when one is sleep-derived, the brain is a trigger for the junk food that contains a lot of calories resulting in weight gain.

Fix it:

It is recommended that one should balance your time between the activities and sleeping to keep a lean figure.



Stressful conditions can lead to a substantive gain of body weight. According to research, stress triggers the release of hormone cortisol causing the triglycerides to be allocated in the visceral fat cells, thereby increasing belly fats.

High cortisol may also lead to high blood glucose which causes constant feelings of hunger. On the extreme, all the unused glucose is converted to body fats.

Fix it:

One should consider limiting activities which lead to stress. One should always learn to share their experiences or seek medical advice.


Work out in a Wrong Way

Exercise is commonly regarded as an effective way to lose weight. However, if you are always troubled by this question “why do I keep gaining weight?” You may be doing the wrong types of exercise which can lead to weight gain.

Fix it:

Besides the strength-training, you should also do cardio to burn more calories. At least two times of strength training and five times of cardio in 30-60 minutes per week can help you achieve your goal of weight loss.


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