There are some scenarios that would cause you to have more of an appetite, like training more at the gym or being pregnant. Feeling hungry is just your body's way of telling you that it needs more water, salt or calories because of a change in your diet, hormones or stress and emotions. While it is common to feel hungry when there is a change in your lifestyle, if you are feeling more hungry for no reason at all, this could be the result of a more serious issue. If you find yourself asking "why am I always hungry" more often than, it could be because of some hidden physical or health problem which you will learn about through this article.

Why Do You Always Feel Hungry?
If you feel as though you can eat and eat and never feel full or only feel full for a short amount of time, you might have diabetes. Those with diabetes will release the glucose, which should be fuel to cells, through peeing. People with type 1 diabetes will often see they can eat large quantities of food and still lose weight. You will also notice an increase in thirst, feeling more fatigued, vision problems, tingling of the limbs and it may take longer for simple cuts or bruises to heal.
Not getting enough sleep
When you don't get the proper amount of sleep, this can have a negative effect on your hormones that control your hunger. It can lead to having more high fat or calorie food cravings and you will find it hard to feel full even after eating.
Stress eating can become
Poor diet
What you eat can have an effect on how much you eat throughout the day. If you are asking yourself "why am I always hungry", you might want to begin by looking at what you already eat.
You might just be thirsty
Many people tend to feel hungry but in fact are thirsty. Sometimes all you need to do is to drink some water and then will find your hunger pains are gone. Instead of always reaching for a quick snack to satisfy your hungry, reach for a glass of water and see if that results in you eating less.
You count calories
If you follow a strict caloric intake each day, you might be depriving your body of vital vitamins and nutrients. Most people who count calories tend to neglect how nutritious the meals they eat are and often consume meals that are packed with refined carbs. Since your body isn't getting the vitamins and nutrients it needs, you will still feel hungry and you may also find you are more lethargic along with being hungrier.
You don't eat three meals a day
If you are constantly skipping meals, this could be why you feel hungry more often. You should be eating around every four hours; going too long without eating will deplete the body of the blood glucose it needs to function properly.
A quick metabolism
If you have a faster metabolism, your body is burning 100 or more than some with a regular metabolism. Burning these extra calories will result in the body needing to replenish its energy source more often. If asking "why am I always hungry", it could just mean you are one of the lucky individuals that burn calories even when they are resting.
You drink often
Having a drink before your meal can cause you to feel hungrier than usual. Alcohol tends to heighten the sense which can cause you to crave foods and lead to eating more. Drinking will also cause you to be more dehydrated, which as mentioned above can make you feel hungry when you are actually thirsty.
Sitting too long
Sitting for too long can cause you to be hungrier than getting up and walking or moving about throughout your day. When you sit all day, your body has a more difficult time regulating the glucose levels in the body which will lead you to
There are a number of medications that can cause you to feel an increase in your appetite. Medication to treat depression, arthritis,
Additional health issues
Aside from the issues mentioned above, there are other health problems that can be the cause of you hungry. Hyperthyroidism, pregnancy, digestive issues, obesity, PMS, autoimmune condition, or a parasitic infection can all increase your appetite and make you feel as if you never have enough to eat. If you can't figure out "why am I always hungry" on your own, consider consulting your doctor to ensure you do not have any hidden serious health problem that could be affecting your appetite.
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