The reasons behind you vomiting could be plenty, but the most common reason would be that you over eat, that you eat something that do not agree with your stomach, or that you have a stomach infection. And when you vomit, your stomach feels lighter, but after a certain period of time you do start feeling hungry. But if you eat too much of the wrong food, you can end up vomiting again, and then feeling hungry again. It’s an endless cycle of despair. This article will explore what you should eat after vomiting to soothe your stomach and make your stomach full.

What to Eat After Vomiting
Whole Grain Bread
This bread lets your stomach settle without making you want to hurl. Begin first by eating a toasted slice. If your stomach accepts it, add jam and/or butter to it and make yourself a sandwich. Do remember to eat small amounts in the beginning.
Nibble at small bites of the banana. If you feel you can’t eat it. Wait for 15-20 minutes and then start again with smaller bites. Not only does banana fill your stomach instantly, it’s also a good source for nutrients like potassium for your body.
When it comes to what to eat after vomiting, BRAT is an excellent option. The full form of this diet is – bananas, rice, apple sauce and toast. And yes, that’s all that you will pretty much be eating. It provides your body with essential nutrients as well as enough energy for your body to be able to function properly. Keep in mind that it works about after half a day of your last vomited.
A lot of doctors concede that eating fresh yoghurt is hands down the best choice for those who have vomited. Your body digests it easily, which means your stomach will have to put in less effort to digest it. This allows it to get a little extra rest. Also, it acts as a pro-biotic which soothes your upset tummy.
Ice cubes
A lot of people tend to consume water after vomiting, which is understandable. However, sucking on ice cubes is a better option because your body can slowly rehydrate, as opposed to instantly rehydrating when drinking water, your body with it. It also removes the after-taste of vomit from your mouth, as well as helps numb your gag reflex.
Soup is an easy food option when it comes to what to eat after vomiting. Since it’s a liquid, it puts less pressure on your stomach to digest it, making it the perfect food item that can be used to determine whether or not your digestive system is ready for food.
You can add ingredients like brown rice, green veggies and even cooked potatoes to spice things up a bit. Make sure you’re consuming home cooked soup, and not the readymade variety available in supermarkets.
Eat bland foods
Any food that does not have a lot of taste or spice in it can easily be consumed by your upset digestive system. These include boiled potatoes, plain noodles, whole grain toast without any butter or jam and even boiled chicken.
Electrolytes rich food
When you vomit, you deplete your body of essential electrolytes. In order to replenish your body, you can either drink fresh coconut water or electrolyte rich water.
If you have been vomiting for over 24 hours now and your body doesn’t show signs of stopping you obviously need to visit your doctor. In all probability, she will prescribe basic medicines like Zofran or Phenergan, which will relieve you of your problem. But remember that you should have your medicines AFTER you’re done choosing what to eat after vomiting.
What Not to Eat After Vomiting
Spicy foods
This goes without saying. Your digestive system finds it VERY hard to break down spicy foods. Eating them will only worsen your situation.
Greasy food
These include deep fried items, white bread, meat and refined foods. Instant food and junk are also a big no-no.
Refined sugar
Avoid anything with sugar in it. Although it may not affect your vomiting tendencies directly, a spike in your insulin can result in a fluctuation in your blood sugar levels. This in turn might make you feel sweaty, clammy or shaky.
Certain drinks
Drinks with caffeine in them (coffee), sodas, any drinks with carbonation in them and alcohol should strictly be avoided 48 hours after you’ve vomited. Carbonated drinks make your stomach bloat and other drinks will irritate your stomach lining.
Irrespective of whether or not you’re lactose tolerant, dairy products especially milk are a strict no. When it comes to what to eat after vomiting, cheese is also a big no.
Foods with strong smells
Now while they may or may not disturb your stomach, what is guaranteed is that their strong smell will end up inducing nausea. And once you feel nauseous, vomiting isn’t really that far behind.
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