Most people would agree that sex is one of the greatest experience you can have. While most experiences can be exciting and incredibly pleasing, there are a few occasions when this isn't always the case. Injuries can occur and vaginal tearing during intercourse is one of the most common injuries. Read on to learn more about how this happens and what to do.

How Do You Know Your Vaginal Tearing?
Vaginal tearing is common and is usually indicated by bleeding after intercourse or moderate pain.
This tearing tends to happen when there isn't enough lubrication during intercourse or the pelvic muscles are weak. So there are a few ways you can do to avoid vaginal tearing from occurring.
Use a water based lubrication to keep the vaginal area moist. If you have sensitive skin, you want to avoid oil based lubricants as these can cause irritation and even allergic reactions. Oil based lubrication can also increase your chances of becoming pregnant or contracting a sexual infection because they can cause damage to condoms.
Partake in plenty of foreplay before you have sex. Foreplay is a great way to help produce natural vaginal lubrication.
Avoid certain position where you have experienced pain or bleeding after intercourse. Typically, the woman on top position results in an increase chance of vaginal tearing.
Eat more fibrous fruits, vegetables, and drink plenty of water. All these will improve the skin's elasticity which will make the area more resistance to tearing.
Strengthen the pelvic muscles by contracting the pelvic muscles and holding than for a few seconds, then releasing them. This type of Kegel exercise will strengthen the muscles to reduce the risk of tearing during intercourse.
Treatment for Vaginal Tearing During Intercourse
Take a break from sex
You want to give the area time to heal from the tearing, so you should avoid sex and
Allow yourself to rest
The blood you lose from vaginal tearing may cause you to feel weak or dizzy. You want to get plenty of rest to help recover from the lacerations.
Let it alone
Most vaginal tearing will cause minor bleeding that tends to stop after a few minutes or within a day. Unless vaginal tearing during sex results in bleeding that last longer than a day or is heavy, there is no need to seek medical attention.
Over the counter
Sit in a bath of warm water for 15 minutes to help reduce the pain from vaginal tearing.
Ice can also help relieve some of the pain from vaginal tearing. Use a clean cloth, towel or witch hazel pads to wrap the ice in and apply it to the area for a few minutes.
Call your doctor
You want to ask your doctor how long you should avoid sex to ensure that the vaginal tearing has healed. For severe tearing, you should consult a doctor immediately if you are feeling faint, abdominal pain, dizzy, have a fever or there is heavy bleeding. If you experience vaginal discharge with an odor, this can be an indication of an infection in the area which will need antibiotics to treat.
Other Common Sex Injuries and Management
Lose condom in vagina
While vaginal tearing during intercourse is common, so is losing a condom or tampon in the vagina. Sometimes tampons are forgotten about and condoms slip off due to being the wrong size and friction. When this occurs, the first thing to do is to stay calm. Wait about fifteen minutes after you've done having sex to allow the vagina to return to its normal size. Then insert two fingers to retrieve the item out. If you are unable to get it out, call a doctor immediately.
Feel burning
Carpet burn is another common discomfort felt after having sex. Having sex on the floor can result in the friction, causing painful burns on the skin. When you experience this, you'll want to wash the area using cool water and antibacterial soap. If the skin is actually broken and not just red, you want to apply an antibacterial cream on it and cover it with a bandage. To avoid future carpet burns, remember to lay a soft blanket down on any rough surfaces before having sex.
Back pain
This can also be caused
Yeast infections
Yeast infections are also just as common
Urinary tract infections
This kind of infections can also be a painful outcome from having sex. To avoid these, you want to make sure you are properly lubricated while having sex. Also, try to use the restroom before and after sex to flush out any bacteria that can cause UTIs. Cranberry extract is something you might want to consider taking if you tend to regularly experience UTIs.
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