First dates can be intimidating and after then you might be wonder just where you stand or will there be a second date or not. Chances are your nerves got the best of you during the first one which made you ignore any signs they were giving you as to whether they were enjoying themselves or not. Now reflect on the whole date, consider these signs of a good first date before you ask them for another.

You make it through the date.
If neither of you has faked an emergency to end the date suddenly, then there's a good chance it went well. Most people, women especially, will have a backup plan that will get them out of a date that is going horribly. So if the other person hasn't received a “rescue me” text or phone call, you can rest assure the date wasn't the worst.
Neither of you talked about your ex's,
Some people like to ask about past relationships, but on the first
They looked into your eyes.
If when you were talking, they stared into your eyes and gave you their full attention, this is a good sign. While at times this may have made you feel a bit uncomfortable, deeply staring into someone's eyes is a way to get closer to another person without actually being close.
Lots of smiles.
One of the best signs of a good first date is how much they smiled on the date. When someone is enjoying themselves and likes you, they won't be able to help but smile. If they listened to you while you talked with a warm and giddy smile on their face, they definitely enjoyed the date.
This sign can be a little more difficult to notice because it will be subtle on the first date. If your date made an attempt to touch you occasionally, then the date went well. A gentle touch
You talked with each other harmoniously.
One of the worst things about a first date is not knowing what to say or what to talk about. There can often be awkward silences which could mean you aren't that compatible. If, however, you both kept the conversation going and it seemed to flow easily and naturally, you had a really good date.
Body language.
Did you date seem relaxed or tense? If you date seemed to be a little
Lots of questions.
If your date enjoyed themselves and is really interested in
They remember details about your conversation.
Both men and women will want to let the other know that they were paying attention to the conversation. If you noticed they remembered and mentioned small details about something you said, this is a good sign the date went well.
You laughed.
First dates shouldn't be so serious and while your nerves may get in the way, being able to laugh can indicate a good date. If you and your date were able to make jokes and have a few good laughs over the stories you shared, then you at least know that you both enjoyed yourselves.
Meaningful conversation.
While joking is important on the first date to help lighten the mood, one of the signs of a good first date is that you had deep conversations. You both talked about the things that matter most in your life like you careers, family, goals and so on.
You shared common interest.
As you conversations progressed through the date, it should have been noticeable that you two have a lot of the same interests or not. If you don't share a lot of the same interest, chances are you didn't really
They prolonged the date.
Did you notice they tried to keep the date going after
You ended the date at the front door.
Sleeping with someone on the first date isn't ever a really good sign. While you might be thinking this means the date went really well, it often means they don't have much intention of seeing you again. If the date ended with a sweet kiss at the front door, it can be a good sign that the date went well and they want to see you again.
There was mention of seeing each other again.
Maybe you didn't make set plans to see each other again, but there were hints of this being possible. Signs of a good first date include talking about things you would like to try together in the future or even agreeing that you two would like to see each other again. If you mention how nice it would be to see them again and they didn't immediately object or have an excuse ready, then your date went well.
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