Babies are wonderful gifts from heaven. However, pregnancy related accidents may occur unexpectedly. One of the most common instances is a miscarriage. This situation may lead to grief and suffering, especially to supposedly mothers to be. During situations like this, it is highly recommended that couples talk, understand, and support each other on whatever decision they will make, especially those related to getting pregnant again.
Naturally, some couples tend to immediately want to get pregnant after a miscarriage in order to temper the suffering and devastating feeling brought about by the loss. Other couples opt to give time to heal the pain caused by the miscarriage, especially if it occurs during the later months of pregnancy. But, is there a right time to get pregnant? Right after miscarriage or wait for a period?

How Soon Could You Try to Conceive Again After a Miscarriage?
Women who have experienced miscarriage or loss of baby often ask their doctors when is the best time to try having another baby. As a fact, this is probably the first question that they will ask. Several studies have been done in order to address this frequently asked question.
One study from the University of Aberdeen in Scotland suggests that women should not delay getting pregnant after a miscarriage. The research included subsequent information of around 30,937 females who miscarried during the first pregnancy. However, data for the reasons of miscarriage is not known.
According to the study conducted by the team of Sohinee Bhattacharya MD, an obstetrician, a higher chance of having a healthy pregnancy can be achieved as soon as the woman is physically and mentally ready to conceive again. Those who conceive within six months after a miscarriage have lesser chance to experience another miscarriage and other pregnancy related complications as compared to those who waited longer to conceive after miscarriage.
However, it is not recommended to conceive again too early, which means not get pregnant right after miscarriage. This means that one should wait for at least one cycle or one normal period before trying to get pregnant again. Doing so will help normalize the lining of the walls of the uterus for better pregnancy. Time for grieving for the lost pregnancy can also be a great help to stabilize the hormonal changes that have been affected by the miscarriage. The time gap will also help define the status of conception.
Some people believed that women tend to be more fertile two to three months after the miscarriage. But there is still no scientific proof on this matter. Other concerns such as medical complication may also be present as a result of a miscarriage. This should be taken care of and given enough attention prior to conceiving again. Waiting for at least one cycle will greatly help achieve the goal of healthier pregnancy.
It is highly recommended to see a doctor and undergo several tests during this period in order to guarantee that one is healthy enough to get pregnant again.
Should You See a Specialist Before Trying to Get Pregnant After Miscarriage?
One may opt to consult a specialist in fertility prior to trying to get pregnant right after miscarriage. This option is recommended especially for those:
Older women belonging to age bracket of 35 years old and above
Women who have experienced 2 to 3 miscarriages in the past
Women suffering from medical illness such as diabetes and heart problems
Seeing a specialist will help lessen the risk of miscarriage, giving healthy pregnancy and baby. Also, fertility issues can be addressed and given enough attention with the aid of this specialist.
Besides, the emotional stress that miscarriage brings can be very traumatic. One may feel hopeless, anxious, and afraid to try again. Talk with the partner in the open and discuss these mixed emotions. If necessary, seek counseling to make one feel better, hopeful, and more optimistic.
How You Might Feel When Pregnant Again?
You have known the reason why not to get pregnant right after miscarriage, other questions you may be concerned may include whether the next pregnancy will be affected. Well, it will not usually.
Women who have had one miscarriage has around 85% of having a successful pregnancy next time. While 75% of next successful pregnancy is experienced by women who have had two or three miscarriages.
The feeling of sadness and broken heartedness may still linger during the next pregnancy. This is normal, especially for the mothers. But there are several things that can be done to ease the pain and make things a lot easier and bearable.
Request for closely monitoring by the medical doctors and experts. Regularly go to check up and perform a test to determine the heartbeat of the baby. The heartbeat shown on ultrasound and Doppler is related to the possible percentage of miscarriage.
Tell friends to throw a baby shower and other preparation after the baby’s safe arrival.
Never get annoyed and upset on other people’s suggestions and advice towards the new pregnancy. Explain politely the advice given by the doctors. State facts and statistics that could help educate people about miscarriage.
Remember that the new pregnancy is another experience worth enjoying. Cherish every moment from conception until delivery.
Always remind yourself that positive outlook can lead to positive pregnancy and healthier baby.
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