Pelvis is the ring of bones situated right under our spine. Calling it the base of spine would not be wrong. A lot of our body’s movement depends on the pelvic area. Pelvis itself is consisted of two parts; one on left and the other on the right side of it. Each side is known as innominate. Apparently, it’s a hard structure. But it may tilt, affecting the functionality of the spine. And you may end up with pelvis out of alignment.

Symptoms of Misaligned Pelvis
The most initial symptoms may include:
Slight pain in your lower back, hips or buttocks
The pain worsens during and after any movement, especially after a walk.
Pain while standing or lying down
In case of not paying heed to the initial symptoms (mentioned above), the condition may get worse and you may face the situation where:
Pain extends from pelvic area towards your knees
Your groin hurts
You can’t lift weight, even walking seems impossible
Intensity of pain wouldn’t let you sleep
What Causes Misaligned Pelvis?
Imbalanced muscles or misalignment of joints all through the spine are the main reasons behind it. Let’s find out the common practices for pelvis out of alignment.
To be in an awkward sitting position (especially with crossed legs) for a longer time in office or in any other place.
Putting most of your body’s weight on a single leg may result in a misaligned pelvis.
If you are a person with one leg shorter than the other, your tilted way of walking imbalances the lower back’s muscles. And you ultimately end up with pain.
Do you doze off in an uneasy way of sleeping? Your pelvis may get out of alignment. This happens when your one hip is straight for the whole long night while the other is in a bending position constantly.
When you don’t stretch each time after exercising, your body would generate lactic acid. It may gather up in the muscles and causes pain in that specific area.
To remain in a standing position for a longer time.
When you wear uncomfortable shoes (heels that are too high).
If you lift weight more than your strength can handle, you are quite likely to have pelvic misalignment.
Keep on carrying a heavy handbag on one side of the body disturbs the natural balance of the muscles.
When your muscles are not that much flexible.
How to Correct Pelvis Which Is Out of Alignment
Take Some Rest
This is not a permanent solution but you may feel relieved temporarily if you take rest and don’t indulge in any hard-physical activity.
Exercises and Stretches
If you are diagnosed with a light pain in back or pelvic area, you can treat yourself by opting for basic stretches and exercises at home (the ones advised by the physician). Exercises and stretches may prove helpful in relieving the stiffness of the joints in different parts (Pregnant woman should never try any exercise without consulting their doctor). Here are a couple of basic exercises to give you some idea.
Pelvic Tilt
It’s an exercise for the strength of pelvic muscles. And physicians recommend it for lower back pain.
Lie down on an even floor.
Your head, arms and back, all should be touching the floor.
Knees should be in a bent position.
Put a little stress on the lower back area by bracing the abdominal muscles.
Remain in the same position for about 6 to 10 minutes.
Breathe normally.
Repeat the same for about 8 to 12 times in a day.
Stretching Exercise for Iliotibial Band
Iliotibial band is the area starting from your outer pelvis down towards your knees. Sometimes a pelvis out of alignment may cause inflammation in this band. And you feel pained in the related areas.
Legs should be in a crossed position
Slightly lean towards the crossed-over leg.
Stay in that position for about 30 seconds and feel the stretch.
Take a break of about 30 sec and repeat the same with the other side.
Note: If you have had some serious issues like a back surgery, chronic pain in the pelvis or any other physical condition, especially related to the spinal cords, you should not opt for any physical activity without discussing with your physician.
Getting Help from Medication
If the pain is intolerable, get help from your doctor. He may prescribe you some medication to get rid of the pain and inflammation. In most of the cases, doctors recommend you to get assistance from a physical therapist.
Get Assistance from a Chiropractor or Physical Therapist
A chiropractor is a professional who helps you in relieving the misalignment. He studies the whole case in detail, keeping in view the foot structure, trigger points, length of the leg and so on. He is supposed to identify any tight or problem muscle and suggest you the cure accordingly. Not just this, he would offer you the postural advice to guide you about the right ways to sit, stand or walk.
Surgery for Severe Condition
Sometimes the conditions are so severe that you have no other option except undergoing a surgical procedure. Doctors try to realign the pelvis through surgical process.
Note: In the severest of all conditions, your hip might be replaced following the highly technical process of arthroscopy.
Keep Moving!
Lastly, movement is life. Keep walking not just when you have a pelvis out of alignment but also in your everyday life. Sitting or lying down constantly is not the permanent solution. If you don’t want to indulge in all those physical activities, opt for a simple walk every day.
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