Vaginal secretion is the most common and also the most often discussed complaints by women. Experiencing white and clear vaginal discharge between the period of puberty and menopause is quite normal. Vaginal discharge is actually a natural process of the cleansing of vagina. The secreted mucus consists of the waste and dead cells from our reproductive organs. It’s an everyday process that increases right before ovulation. Many times, women experience light yellow discharge before period. Why clear discharge turns yellow? Let’s find out the answer.

Is It Normal to Have Light Yellow Discharge before Menses?
Consistency and Amount of Mucus
The consistency of the mucus is determined by the stage of menstrual cycle. For example, before and after the periods, the consistency tends to be thicker. On the other hand, discharge would be thinner, more like an uncooked egg white, in the middle of the menstrual cycle. The amount of discharge depends on the hormone (estrogen) level in the body. That’s why the amount, consistency and color of discharge varies from woman to woman.
When to Worry
There are some unusual symptoms that might be the indication of something alarming and need treatment. If you have most of the below-mentioned symptoms, you are quite likely to have a vaginal infection.
The symptoms include:
Thick yellow discharge
Discharge that has a foul and fishy smell
Soreness and redness in vagina
Burning sensation and irritation while urinating
Blood stains in discharge
Abdominal pain
Note: Don’t ignore the symptoms like brown discharge and bleeding with mucus. It might be an indication of cervical cancer.
More Causes of Yellow or Green Discharge before Menses
Cervicitis is the inflammation of cervix. It comes with pus-like and smelly yellow mucus. It can be resulted from an array of reasons including STD’s, bacterial growth in vaginal canal or some sort of allergic reaction. Vaginal allergy could be resulted from birth control methods including cervical caps, condom’s latex, diaphragms and spermicides.
Some other symptoms include troubled fertility and vaginal bleeding.
Women of any age group can be affected from this vaginal infection. Along with yellow discharge (sometimes brownish discharge), this infection causes irritation and swelling in outer vulva or inner vagina. Microscopic organs like yeast and bacteria cause this infection. You can have it transmitted in you from your infected partner. There are an array of reasons causing it, that may include allergic reaction, chemical reactions from soaps and perfumes and poor hygienic conditions.
Some other symptoms include foul smell, irritation while urinating and itching in vagina.
It’s a sexually transmitted disease that is quite common among women who are active sexually and prefer having more than one sexual partner. They often end up with light yellow discharge before period. Using condoms while having sex is the safest way of dealing with it. Besides this, you must opt for screening of this disease at least once in a year.
Some other symptoms beside yellow discharge include painful sexual intercourse, anal discharge, yellow eyes, disturbance in appetite, pelvic inflammation and problem in fertility.
Bacterial Vaginosis
This infection normally results from overgrowth of bacteria in vaginal tract. This infection leaves you with a smelly (fish-like) vagina that worsens after having sex.
Some other symptoms are- greyish yellow discharge especially after intercourse (no irritation in this case).
Also known as ‘drip’ or ‘clap’, it’s a communicable disease that is quite common especially among the teenagers. Not just sexual contact but contacting infected bodily fluids also transmits this disease to others (even to the babies from their infected moms). Greenish yellow discharge is the main symptom.
Some other symptoms are-pelvic pain, burning sensation while urinating, itchy eyes, spotting after having sex and inflammation of vulva.
One of the most common STDs, it results from protozoan parasite called Trichomonas vaginalis. This contagious infection passes on from one partner to the other while having sex. It normally affects only the genital parts like cervix, vulva, urethra and vagina. The only precautionary measure to avoid it, is to use condom while having sex.
Some other symptoms are sore genital area, burning sensation while urinating, discomfort during sex and a strawberry cervix.
How to Deal with Infections
All these infections cause discomfort and stress. Prevention is the only solution to all these vaginal infections. You have two main ways to avoid it:
Protection from STDs
Good personal hygiene
If the problem recurs, you should get this checked by your GP. Normally the doctors recommend vaginal creams and antibiotics for women suffering from it. In some cases, doctor may ask you several questions related to your sex life and also about your partner’s sex life. The doctor may examine your discharge to detect the type of infection (if she finds it necessary). Taking your blood samples cannot be ruled out. It would be helpful in detecting any STDs.
Note: If you get this infection from your partner(s), you better suggest them to get it cured as well. Otherwise the problem would recur and may result in infertility or pelvic inflammatory disease.
Tips for Protection
Make sure you are cleaning your private parts properly to maintain good hygiene.
Avoid douching vagina, to protect good bacteria therein.
Avoid using chemical-based beauty products like soap, powders and fragrances to cleanse the genital areas. These affect the good bacteria in vagina.
Yogurt is enriched with good bacteria. Consuming it abundantly maintains vaginal bacterial flora.
Don’t wear tightly-fitted undergarments.
Don’t use undergarments made of nylon and silk. They cause sweating and you may end up with itching problem.
Use panty-liners, especially in the days when you are having light yellow discharge before period.
Don’t forget to wash your undergarments with an anti-biotic mixture. Hang them in the sunlight for drying out.
Increase your fluid consumption to flush away all the harmful toxins from body.
Lastly, make sure you are not having sex without any protection.
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