It is often easy and convenient just to head to your local pharmacy to pick up a cough medicine to help take care of your pesky cough. But, the ingredients found in the cough suppressants will rarely treat the real cause of the cough. The side effects from these medicines which range from dizziness to nausea can even make them less attractive. Then how to stop coughing without medicine? Read on to learn some tips that will help take care of your cough.

Ways to Stop Coughing Without Medicine
You can help relieve some of the congestion in the lungs and nasal passage by applying a warm compress to the area. The warmth from the compress can help stimulate and increase mucus drainage. All you need is a clean towel and some lukewarm water. Let the towel soak in the water for a few minutes, then wring out the water. Place the towel on your neck or chest for about five minutes. Repeat the step for about twenty minutes.
Steam Shower
A hot shower or bath will not only help drain mucus from the nasal passage and loosen up the bronchial passage, but it also
Salt Water
Gargling warm salt water can help soothe a sore throat. It adds moisture to the sinus areas, helps the mucus drain easier and can help reduce the risk of post nasal drip. Just combine half a teaspoon of salt in a glass of sterilized warm water and stir until the salt dissolves. Gargle the salt water for a minute or two and then spit it out. Repeat this every couple of hours.
How to stop coughing without medicine can be done effectively with various herbs. Since peppermint contains menthol, i
Garlic has a number of beneficial properties - it is antiviral and is anti-inflammatory. Ingesting garlic can help reduce inflammation in the throat, as well as boost the immune system to help fight against infections. Garlic is best taken raw and should be limited to two cloves a day. Try these ways below to help fight off coughs:
You can crush a clove of garlic and mix it with a spoonful of honey or olive oil.
Add minced garlic to your meals, but try to avoid cooking it too much as this will destroy the beneficial properties.
Garlic can also be found as garlic powder or garlic salt which can be more easily added to your meals.
Blue Vervain
Blue vervain can be found as a supplement, syrup or as a tea and helps loosen phlegm and mucus in the throat and chest area. You can take blue vervain one or two times a day and if taken as a supplement, it should be taken with a full glass of water.
How to stop coughing without medicine using eucalyptus can be done by making a tincture or as aromatherapy. Eucalyptus is effective at relieving coughs as well as reducing congestion. You should avoid
House Plants
There are a number of plants that can act as natural humidifier, filtering and purifying the air and limiting the toxins you breathe in that can cause irritation to the throat, lungs or sinuses. Aloe Vera, bamboo palms, weeping figs and Chinese evergreens are just a few plants you can place in your home to help combat coughs.
A humidifier can help add moisture to the air. Dry air can often irritate the throat, making the cough worse. With a
Drink More Water
You already know that drinking enough water is vital to staying healthy, but when you have a cough, it can be even more important to drink the recommended 2 liters a day. Water can help reduce congestion, post nasal drip, dry throat and help thin the mucus, which makes it easier to be cleared from the irritated area.
Cayenne Pepper
The capsaicin found in cayenne pepper has antiviral, anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties which
Change the Way You Sleep
If you are wondering how to stop coughing without medicine, you can try change how you sleep. You want to ensure you're getting enough sleep to help fight off the bacteria that cause
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