“Carbs,” also referred to as carbohydrates, are one of the macronutrients that provide your body energy in the form of calories. Foods containing carbs are digested or broken down into sugar which provides you with glucose – an important source of energy. Carbohydrates are required by your body for proper functioning. However, not all sources of carbs are equally healthy, some are healthier than others. Learn how many carbs per day you require especially when you want to lose weight and which carbs you should not eat.

How Many Grams of Carbs Per Day Do You Need?
The amount of carbs you require per day depends upon your body type and your health goals. If you are an active person then, about 40% of your total calories should be from carbohydrates, 30% from fats and the remaining 30% from proteins. This dietary pattern also helps in the prevention of arteriosclerosis. If you are trying to put on some muscles, you require more grams of protein each day.
Hence, in general, the amount of carbs you need per day lies in between 500 and 800 calories from carbs and that amount is going to be about 150 to 200 grams of carbs per day – 200 is the upper limit and goes as low as 120, which is an ideal amount for persons trying to lose weight. Hence, for most people, 120 to 200 grams of carbs is ideal while burning fat and maintaining overall good health.
How Many Carbs per Day to Lose Weight?
Fast Weight Loss
Low carb eating is encouraged by many popular diets. Some diets have an introduction phase of 1-4 weeks, while in some diets you are required to stick to low carb eating habits for up to a year. During this low carb eating phase, you will be required to limit your carb intake to no more than 50 g each day. Moreover, the sources of these carbs should be vegetables, fruits or starchy tubers but not simple carbs. By eating very little carbs, your body enters into a state of ketosis in which fat is broken down to gain energy, thereby causing you to lose weight.
Moderate Weight Loss
People who would like to lose weight more slowly should eat about 50-100 g of carbs per day. You can choose carbs from a wider range of foods including dairy and plenty of fruits. Your body may or may not enter a state of ketosis depending on your metabolism on this diet. However, you will still lose around 2 pound each week.
Gradual Weight Loss
How many carbs per day you need for gradual weight loss? For gradual weight loss or for maintaining weight loss, you can eat 100-150 g of carbs per day. This diet plan works best for people who do not want to give up foods such as bread and fruits or for athletes who need a high calorie intake to maintain their energy levels. You can lose about 1-1.5 pounds every week following this plan.
Tips to Consume Carb Wisely When Considering Losing Weight
Include More Fiber-Rich Fruits and Vegetables in Your Diet
Go for whole frozen, fresh and canned vegetables and fruits which do not have added sugar. Whole fruits and vegetables are a rich sources of fiber and add water and bulk, which help you feel fuller on fewer calories. Other options are dried fruits and fruit juices, which are rich in natural sugar and therefore contain more calories.
Emphasize Whole Grains
Whole grains are better than refined grains because they are rich sources of fiber and other nutrients such as vitamin B. Refined grains are processed that removes some parts of the grain along with some of the fiber and nutrients.
Include Low Fat Dairy Products in Your Diet
Milk, yogurt, cheese and other types of dairy products are rich sources of protein and calcium and many other nutrients such as minerals and vitamins. Consider the low-fat varieties to limit the calories and saturated fat content. Also avoid dairy products that contain added sugar.
Consume More Legumes
Legumes including peas, beans and lentils are among the most nutritious and versatile foods available. They are low in fat and high in folate, iron, potassium and magnesium. They also contain fiber and beneficial fats. Legumes are also a rich source of protein and can become a healthy substitute for meat that has more cholesterol and saturated fats.
Avoid Added Sugars
When consumed in small amounts, probably added sugar is not harmful. However, there is no health advantages attached to ingesting any amount of added sugar. According to the recommendations of the dietary guidelines for Americans, less than 10% of calories you eat each day come from added sugar.
Hence, apart from knowing how many carbs per day, it is also important to know the tips to consume your carbohydrates wisely. Avoid foods that contain refined grains and added sugars such as desserts, sugary drinks and candy, which are rich in calories but have low nutrition value. Instead, consume vegetables, fruits and whole grains.
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