Enjoying a couple of beers after a long busy day is an important part of many people's evening routine. If you are among those people, it really makes sense to learn exactly what those beers might do to your health. You have to know about beer-related factors and understand exactly how many beers a day is healthy. This will ensure that you do not end up experiencing any health complications just because you are drinking too much.

How Many Beers a Day Is Healthy?
You are likely to experience no side effects when you drink in moderation. It means that men should have only two drinks a day, and that is only when they are under age 65. Women should not have more than one drink a day. Men older than age 65 should also limit their alcohol intake to one drink a day. One drink equals 1.5 fl.oz. of distilled spirits, 12 fl.oz. of beer, or 5 fl.oz. of wine.
It is important to bear in mind that even moderate drinking can sometimes cause complications. Moreover, in certain situations, you may want to avoid drinking alcohol totally. You should not drink when driving, when pregnant, when taking prescription or OTC medications. People with a family history of alcoholism should also avoid beer and other alcoholic beverages. People with pancreatic or liver disease and those who have had a hemorrhagic stroke in the past should stay away from all types of alcoholic beverages, including beer.
What Are the Possible Benefits of Drinking Beer Moderately?
It May Lower Risk of Heart Disease
There is some evidence that drinking a pint of beer a day may lead to a 31% reduction in your risk of heart disease. Beer contains antioxidants called phenols. These antioxidants reduce inflammation and protect your heart. However, many studies show that excessive drinking may result in an increased risk of cardiovascular problem.
It May Lower Risk of Diabetes
Some studies show that drinking a beer daily may lead to a 25% reduction in your risk for type-2 diabetes. The alcohol content in beer leads to improved insulin sensitivity and helps keep diabetes at bay. Moreover, you also get soluble fiber from beer that helps regulate blood sugar levels in the body.
It May Lower Risk of Cancer
The presence of an antioxidant called xanthohumol is supposed to have anti-cancer properties. Therefore, regular intake of beer may also play a role in lowering your cancer risk. Moderate beer consumption may prove especially beneficial in lowering risk of prostate cancer in men.
It May Strengthen Your Bones
A 2009 study shows that beer may help keep your bones strong because it provides you with silicon. Studies show that older adults who drink a glass of beer daily are likely to have higher bone density. This makes them less prone to fractures. However, some studies have found that excessive drinking can actually increase your risk of bone fractures.
It May Help Get Rid of Dandruff
You may not already know it but beer can help get rid of dandruff. It has high vitamin-B and yeast content, and you will be able to clear dandruff simply by rinsing your hair with it a couple of times a week.
It May Improve Digestion
If you have to deal with digestive issues often, you may want to take advantage of beer to resolve the issue. That is mainly because dark beer is a great source of soluble fiber, and this makes it better than wine in this regard. Fiber is important for the overall health of your gastrointestinal tract and prevents disorders like diarrhea and constipation.
What Are the Risks of Drinking Beer?
It Can Cause Digestive Problems
That is mainly because some beer variants contain malted barley that contains a type of protein called gluten. Some people cannot digest this protein. If you are gluten intolerant and drink beer, you may end up experience several digestive problems.
It Can Cause Heart Problems
Moderate beer drinking may be good for your heart, but if you do not drink in limited amounts, you may actually affect your cardiovascular system in a negative way. This is also very dangerous if you already have a cardiovascular ailment and continue to drink.
It Can Cause Hypertension
Excessive beer drinking can lead to consistent increase in your blood pressure. Overtime, this increases your risk of hypertension or high blood pressure.
It Can Cause Abdominal Fat
If you are concerned about gaining abdominal fat, it is better to stay away from beer. Enjoying kegs of beer can cause layers of fat to develop around your waist, and keep in mind that belly fat is the hardest to burn. Therefore, it is better to avoid drinking or at least limit your intake of beer.
It Can Cause a Hangover
If you are worried about experiencing a bad hangover, you may want to avoid drinking beer altogether. It is like other forms of alcohol and affects your nerves and motor skills. Excessive drinking may also lead to intoxication.
It Can Interact with Medications
People who are already taking prescription or OTC drugs should avoid beer because it can interact with medications and cause side effects. It is especially true in case of pain medications and some antibiotics.
It Can Work as a Diuretic
Like other forms of alcohol, beer can also work as a diuretic and lead to excessive urination. Beer can hinder the release of natural antidiuretic hormones and reduce fluid retention in the body. Losing too much of fluids can cause dehydration and produce all sorts of complications.
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