Mouth ulcers, also known as canker sores, are common occurrences on the mouth. Although it does not propose serious threats to health, they can be painful and irritating. Mouth ulcers may only last for six to ten days, but it can cause pain when eating, speaking and even as simple as smiling. This can understandably ruin anyone’s day and make one feel uncomfortable.

Mouth ulcers may occur anywhere around the mouth such as the lips, inside the cheeks, under the tongue and on the tongue itself. Common causes are food triggers such as spicy food, hormonal changes, excess acidity, constipation, biting the cheeks and stress. Vitamin deficiencies can also cause mouth ulcers. If you know the cause of your mouth ulcers, you can get rid of that faster. Besides, home remedies for mouth ulcers would also help.

Home Treatment and Natural Remedies for Mouth Ulcers

For mouth ulcers, there is no need to rush to the emergency room or take any medication. Try these natural and home remedies first.

Aloe Vera

Aloe vera is widely known for its healing properties and is called the “first-aid plant”. It can promote faster healing on wounds and soothe pain. Dry the area of the mouth sore and then dab aloe gel directly on the sore. Do this as often as you can until the sore heals.


Baking Soda

Baking soda is a known alkaline which reacts back to acid that is irritating the mouth ulcer. Baking soda can also kill bacteria around the sore which are common for small wounds. As a home remedy, mix 1 teaspoon of baking soda with a half cup of water and then rinse your mouth with the solution.


Milk of Magnesia

Milk of Magnesia has strong antacid properties. Acid is what causes the mouth sore to sting and get irritated. Sip a small amount of milk of magnesia and use it to gurgle, especially around the sore area. You can also use a cotton wet with milk of magnesia and dab it around the sore area.


Hydrogen Peroxide

Hydrogen peroxide is a disinfectant that can prevent infection and irritation of the mouth sore. You can use it like a mouthwash, only sipping a small amount and rinsing mostly the sore area. Be sure not to swallow the liquid. You can also use cotton to dab around the sore area. However, unlike other home remedies for mouth ulcers, take note that you may only do this twice every week at most. Do not use regularly as the nature of chemicals can prolong the healing.


Swish Sage

Sage is a natural healing ingredient that kills viruses and bacteria, and reduces inflammation. Boil sage leaves with water and use the water as a mouth wash. Make sure to swish the sage tea near your mouth sore.


Tea Bags

Tea bags have alkaline properties which can neutralize acid that causes infections and irritates the mouth sores. Tea also has compounds that can help soothe the pain caused by the sore. Using a damp tea bag, apply it directly on the mouth sore for 3 to 5 minutes to seep in the alkaline properties and soothe pain.



Chewable antacids can help neutralize the acidic levels of the sore area. Crush down antacids and drop a small amount on the sore area.


Salt Water

Lukewarm water mixed with salt have high healing properties for wounds such as mouth sores. Rinse your mouth, especially the sore area, with salt water for about 30 seconds. Do this at least twice daily.


Licorice Tea

Licorice tea is a well-known home remedy for mouth ulcers. Drinking the tea normally would help.



Vitamin B complex, vitamin C and iron deficiency are causes of mouth sores. Take these vitamins regularly to aid the healing process quickly.


Coconut Oil

Coconut oil is a widely known natural healing product and has many other health benefits. When finding home remedies for mouth ulcers, it can also be useful since it has anti-microbial, anti-fungal and anti-inflammatory properties to prevent further irritation. Use cotton to dab coconut oil on the sore area.


Clove Oil

Clove oil is used by dentists to soothe pain and use as painkiller for mouth pains, toothaches and mouth sores. Mix clove oil with olive oil and dab it directly to the sore using a cotton ball. This will quickly numb the pain.



Honey has natural anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial properties which can both soothe the pain of mouth sores and prevent further irritation. Dab with a cotton directly to the mouth sore.



Although cayenne has properties that make it hot, which may seem as the opposite to use for a mouth sore, it has properties and substances that can soothe pain from mouth sores.



Yogurt is rich in anti-bacterial properties that can prevent further irritation and infection of mouth sores.

How to Prevent Mouth Ulcers from Getting Worse

Even you have known some home remedies for mouth ulcers, prevention is always better than cure. Here are tips to remember on how to prevent mouth ulcers from occurring or from getting worse.

  • Avoid eating acidic or spicy foods as these can cause or irritate mouth ulcers.

  • If you are allergic to citrus fruits such as lemons, oranges, grapes, pineapples and strawberries, it is best to steer clear them as they may cause mouth ulcers too.

  • If you have mouth sores, avoid touching them or playing with your tongue as it irritates them more and prevents healing.

  • If the mouth ulcer appears as a blister, avoid popping it.

  • Avoid anything that can make you throw up. Throwing up can cause the rise of acid from your stomach, which can irritate or start a mouth sore.

  • Avoid biting your cheeks and lips.


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