It is a well spread and well known truth that men are either secretive of their feelings, or don't have many. Most men relate to the first statement, that they have feelings but are not very open about them. Your man may also have feelings that he is unable to express to you, so try to be a caring woman; it is preferable that you try to understand him instead of just letting him be. If you are unable to get him to open up about his feelings, then you can figure it all out on your own by these facts about boys' feelings that are listed below.

They Are Easily Jealousy
Like women, men also get jealous when they see their girl flirting with another guy or getting too friendly with others. However, women can use this in their favor by showing their man affection in front of other guys, which will make their man feel proud and lucky to have her when there are more options for her.
Love Beautiful Women
It is always necessary for a woman to dress up nicely, not because she needs to impress anyone, but because the love of her life will notice her appearance at the first sight in most cases. Men are visual creature, and they can fall in love with your hair, eyes, smile, or anything.
Need Listener
Men, no matter how strong, cold, or practical they may seem, they have feelings like women. They have a heart full of secrets that they are not very good at expressing, so when they do make the effort to express feelings, don't shoot too many questions at them, and just listen.
Don't Always Like to Have Sex
We, women, seem to think that men are always ready for sex, and only we need to convince ourselves to be ready for it. That is not the case, however, because sometimes men may just not be in the mood for it when you are, and will not have a firm erection if you still try to get them to do it.
Lesbian Relationships
There are confused perceptions of women about what men think about lesbians. Many committed women feel an attraction towards females but suppress the thought because they fear their boyfriend might not like it, but men actually feel very turned on by the idea of their girl in action with another girl.
They Are Self-Sufficiency
One of the most interesting facts about boys' feelings is that they feel self-sufficient and have a comparatively higher level of self-esteem. This makes them independent and attractive, because they do not get down in front of anyone for help unless they have tried themselves to do a task that they find they need help in.
Want to Please Women
While it is well known that men love sex, it is lesser known that men are very generous in bed (at least most of them are). By pleasing a girl and making her orgasm, they feel better about themselves. Not only it turns them on so much more, but also give their confidence and self esteem a boost.
Actions Show Feelings
Who hasn't heard the saying, "Actions speak louder than words"? We all have, and men are a pure example of this. In relationships, women are more verbal and like to express love through words, but men, unable to say their feelings, express them through their actions. To them, saying "I love you" is not that important.
Competitive in Nature
Most men are competitive by nature. This is a result of previously mentioned high self esteem, but men find it difficult to accept defeat, and therefore, they give their best and try never to back off. This applies both in relationships, at work, or in a sports ground. Men focus a lot on their performance.
They Are Vulnerable
It is often ignored that men, too, have feelings. Even when a man does not say what he is feeling, he still has it in the heart and men are generally more emotionally vulnerable. Break ups and broken hearts affect men more powerfully than they affect women, and this is something that women don't see easily.
Like to Be Helpers
Men like helping girls, and especially beautiful girls. This does not necessarily mean that they are hitting on her or hope to get her in bed, but simply because it makes them feel fulfilled and more masculine to be able to help a woman out. This also boosts their self-confidence and self-esteem.
Find Traits from Their Response
One of the most interesting facts about boys' feelings is that you can tell what a man feels about you by his response to your questions. For example, if you ask him for a favor and he is taking a little too long to say yes, (when he does a long "umm...") it means that he is not very interested in you.
Like Mother Like Wife
It is strange but biologically and psychologically tested that men are attracted to those women who are somehow in appearance like their mother. This may include body shape, skin type, or some features that resemble you to his mother. This process, in biological term, is called sexual imprinting.
Don't Like Crying Girl
Ladies! It is a humble request and a call for attention that you must stop crying about every little thing in front of your man if you want him to stay attracted to you. However weird it may seem, science says that a crying woman's tears can somehow lower a man's testosterone, or in other words, lower his attraction for her.
Be Hard to Get
Men are such creatures who love challenges better than rewards. It is fair to say that they like the chase better than winning, and so, they like girls that are not desperate for them, but who the men have to work hard to please. Don't be easy to get if you want to make a man value you.
Love Porn
By now we know that a large part of men's personalities and feelings is formed around the idea of physical intimacy, so it is only natural for them to watch porn since a very young age. If a woman does not like her man watching porn, he still will, because he has this tendency to feel an attraction towards it.
Don't Like to See a Doctor
Visiting a doctor may seem like a very casual task for us, but men feel inferior, unhealthy, or emasculated if they have to visit a doctor. Obviously, it is not so, but men feel like they are physically in a state that is not better than others, which is bad for their self esteem.
Afraid of Commitment?
Many women who don't know the facts about boys' feelings, complain or worry when they feel like their man is not willing to commit, especially when hoping to get married. Men freak out at the name of commitment not because they don't love you, but because they take this more seriously than women, and making a big decision takes time for them.
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