One of the best ways to relax after a highly stressful day is filling the bathtub with some warm water and soaking the troubles of the day away. One way to enhance the relaxation you get from a bath is by using essential oils which are concentrated plant essences that can have a powerful effect on the body and mind. The various essential oils can have varying effects from muscle relaxation to mood enhancement which will leave you question which essential oils should you use for bath? Below we'll cover the basics of essential oils when using for bath.

How to Use Essential Oils for Bath
Choosing Your Oil
The first step in choosing the right essential oil for your bath is to know what you want to get out of it. Do you want to enhance your relaxation? Give yourself an energy boost? Or do you want to relieve some of the aches and pains you are feeling? Once you have to choose the right essential oil for your needs, you'll need to pair it with a carrier oil. The carrier oil can be of your choice and if the essential oils are irritating your skin, you can instead use scented bath gels, bombs or salts to get some of the same effects. You'll want to combine around ten drops of the essential oils to one fluid ounce of your carrier oil.
Making Your Bath
Once you have your oil and carrier oil chosen, you'll want to draw your bath water. You want the water to be hot enough for you to relax in and the essential oil should be added as you are filling up the tub. You don't need to use your essential oils strictly for baths. You can get the same effects by simply using them to wash with in the shower as well. However, adding the oil to the water as you are filling the tub will allow for better distribution of the essential oil. For additional moisture, add some whole milk into the bath which will help soothe the skin.
Set the Mood
Adding essential oils for bath is better enhanced when you set a comfortable and relaxing environment as well. Whether you are using the essential oils to relax or to re-energize, you'll want your bath to be as comfortable as possible. Consider lighting a few candles that complement the aroma of the essential oils you are adding to your bath. You can also find scent lamps that work the same way as candles. Play some soft music as well that will help you clear your thoughts and relax even more. You can also try dimming the lights slightly if you are using candles to create a more relaxing environment.
Prep Your Skin
Before soaking fully into the bath, you'll want to use a loofah or bath brush on your skin. Doing this will help increase the blood circulation to the top layers of the skin as well as helping remove any dead and dry skin. When these dead layers of skin are removed prior to getting into the bath, the essential oils are more able to penetrate the skin layers and keep it moisturized. When using a loofah or bath brush, make sure the bristles are natural. Begin brushing your skin at the feet and work your way up in long sweeping strokes. You may want to do this a few times over especially on rough areas of skin, while be gentle and mindful to the more sensitive areas.
Enjoy Your Bath
Now that you have prepared everything for a relaxing and invigorating bath, it is time to enjoy your bath. To get the most out of your bath, you'll want to be aware of how long you soak in the bath for. To avoid drying out the skin, stay in the bath for up to 20 minutes. Have a bath pillow to rest your neck on and use a warm washcloth to cover the eyes or face to enhance the relaxation. Avoid getting any of the bath water in your eyes or mouth. When you are done, be sure to wrap yourself up in a warm towel and apply a gentle moisturizer to your skin once you have completely dried off.
Best Essential Oils for Bath
Lavender essential oil is commonly used for its calming effects, but can offer a number of other benefits as well. It can help relieve pain, improve blood circulation and help compact insomnia.
Clary Sage
Clary sage essential oils can help lower blood pressure while also being an effective antidepressant. Those fighting of addictions will find some relief in the components of clary sage that give an almost euphoric and sedative effect. Clary sage can help boost the libido as well.
Rose essential oils have a wide range of protective and boosting agents. Using rose oil can help boost confidence and help ward off depression. It also leaves the skin looking more youthful and helps reduce pain and muscle spasm.
Geranium essential oils for bath give off a rose smell and is favored among women. This oil can help fight off acne, anxiety, depression, menstrual cramps, pain, as well as reducing inflammation.
Frankincense is a powerful essential oil that can reduce chronic stress, anxiety, and pain while boosting the immune system and even assisting in fighting against a number of cancers.
Sandalwood essential oils can help boost memory while also relaxing and calming the body. It is best used for mental clarity and is known to be a natural aphrodisiac.
Because of the cooling and refreshing effects of eucalyptus, this essential oil is great for boosting energy and rejuvenation. It can help reduce stress while stimulating brain activity.
Conifers (cedar, fir, pine, pinon pine, spruce, juniper)
Most conifers essential oils are great at reducing pain and relaxing the muscles. Some like pine are ideal for those who want to feel refreshed and invigorated.
However, there are some essential oils that should be avoided completely. Cinnamon, oregano, thyme, Tulsidas, phototoxic oils, Bertram oil and other spice type oils should not be used in baths. These essential oils can be highly irritating to the skin.
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