For most people, unwinding after a long day’s work is a key part of their day. One of the most common ways people unwind is over a beer or an alcoholic beverage they prefer. Most people will tell you that they are happiest when they are drunk. Some people also result to drinking as a way of forgetting about an issue that is stressing them, even for a few hours. While alcohol is a great way of unwinding and temporarily forgetting about your problems, it has adverse effects on your body. It is important to learn about these effects and why it is important to limit or completely cut off your alcohol consumption.

Effects of Alcohol on the Body
The Mouth, Throat and Esophagus
The effects begin from the place where it comes into contact with the body first. Since it is an irritant, alcohol burns every place it comes into contact with. When you take the first sip of alcohol, especially concentrated liquor, you'll experience a burning sensation as it travels down your throat all the way to your stomach. While you may enjoy the sensation, this burning sensation burns down the tissues that line your throat and esophagus with time. This leaves those areas open to infections and can lead to different types of cancers. Consumption of five or more drinks in one sitting triples your chances of developing throat, mouth and voice box cancers.
The Liver
A single sip of beer, whisky or wine stays in your stomach for approx. 2 hrs. Thereafter it enters your bloodstream and goes to every part of your body. The liver is tasked with breaking down these toxins. Over time, the liver eventually stops to function properly and this can lead to liver disease. Over indulgence poses a great threat, not only to your liver but also to other parts of your body.
The Brain
People have been made to believe that consumption of alcohol literally kills your brain cells. While this is not exactly true, alcohol consumption affects the neurotransmitter levels in your brain. These are simply the chemicals that control how you feel, your behavior as well as your perception. Alcohol is known to impair certain areas like the cerebellum. This is what controls your balance and sight. It also impairs your cerebral cortex, which is responsible for your learning, thinking and your memory. This is one of the most frightening effects of alcohol on the body.
The Skin
When you consume alcohol over time, it affects your skin and promotes faster aging. Alcohol damages your skin by dilating the blood vessels. This makes them more susceptive to breakage. It also leads to dehydration as the body tries to flash out toxins. Over time, you will notice that your skin looks aged and dry.
The Muscles
If you work out and also indulge in alcohol intake, it will take you a long time before you build any muscles. This is because alcohol consumption alters your hormonal balance as well as your response to exercise. Alcohol makes it hard for the body to repair damaged muscles and build new muscles. To counter this, it is advisable to consume protein and carbohydrates before you take in alcohol.
The Muscles
If you work out and also indulge in alcohol intake, it will take you a long time before you build any muscles. This is because alcohol consumption alters your hormonal balance as well as your response to exercise. Alcohol makes it hard for the body to repair damaged muscles and build new muscles. To counter this, it is advisable to consume protein and carbohydrates before you take in alcohol.
The Stomach
If you consume more than 4 drinks in one sitting, you increase the permeability of your gut. This makes it possible for bacteria and toxins to leak into your blood stream. This causes the immune system to respond in defense, and this can lead to liver failure. When taken moderately, alcohol still causes an irritation in your stomach, causes a rise in acid levels and causes heartburns.
Male Reproductive Health
Consumption of as little as 5 drinks in a week is enough to decrease the sperm count. This is because alcohol affects reproductive hormones like testosterone. Too much alcohol intake also causes low sex drive, erectile dysfunction as well as premature ejaculation.
The Breasts
Consumption of alcohol, especially in women, increases the risk of developing breast cancer. As little as a drink a day can greatly increase the risk of developing this type of cancer. When you consume alcohol, your estrogen levels are increased and this is a breast cancer risk factor. It only takes 3 drinks per week for women to increase the chances of breast cancer by 15%. This risk is thrice as much for women above the fifteen years.
The Pancreas
Consumption of alcohol in excess is linked to pancreatitis. This is the inflammation of the pancreas. When the pancreas develops inflammation, it ceases to function in its normal form. This causes issues with the production of insulin and leads to the development of diabetes. Pancreas inflammation is also a risk factor for pancreatic cancer.
The Colon
Regardless of how much alcohol you consume, it leads to a condition referred to as adenomas which occurs in the colon. Adenomas are small tumors that grow in the colon. While they are harmless in the early stages, they develop over time to polyps. These are larger tumors and may be cancerous. Quite scary effects of alcohol on the body, huh?
The Kidney
Intake of alcohol can have long term effects on your kidneys. It increases the chances of developing high blood pressure. This is leading cause of kidney disease.
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