“Want to hang out?” The most anticipated yet confusing phrase you will ever hear. What does it mean? Hanging out as just friends or is it a date? You'll ask yourself a thousand questions trying to decipher what your crush means when they ask you to “hang out”. Luckily, if you're asking yourself “are we dating or just hanging out”, we got a few ways to help you reach an answer. Don't torture yourself any more.

Check These Signs to Know If You Are Dating or Just Hanging Out
The invite
Hanging out:
He asks you to grab a bite to eat at the last minute around midnight. There's often no planning involved and no real thought behind the invitation.
If you have been given a week's notice or at least a few days in advance, it is typically a date. This gives them time to plan out the 'hanging out' time and allows you to prepare as well.
How they dress
Hanging out:
They will be in sweat pants or like they just got back from the gym. They obviously aren't interested in impressing you.
They put the extra effort into the appearance. They have on a clean shirt, smell good, and look like they actually put thought into what they are wearing.
The bill
Hanging out:
If you split the bill, then you guys are just hanging out as friends nothing more.
He'll offer to pay the bill, slip his credit card to the waitress without you knowing or grabs the checkbook without you looking at it, then it's a date. You can insist on paying for half the meal and he agrees, but it's still a date.
Where do you meet?
Hanging out:
Are we dating or just hanging out if we both take our own cars? Chances are you're just hanging out if he doesn't offer to pick you up for dinner. Or he just messaged you with the address to where to meet him if you feel like it.
He'll drive to pick you up at your house and even come to your door to make sure you are ready to go. Depending on where you live, it can be regarded as a date if you meet them at the location but often times they will offer to meet you at the closest train station or will at least be waiting out front for you to arrive.
Who else is going?
Hanging out:
His friends, some family members, and even a few strangers show up to hang out. Obviously, it's not a date if there's no chance of any romance taking place during the occasion.
If it is just the two of you going out, then it is most likely a date. It can still be a date if there are other couples joining you, but most often a date is between two people especially if you two are still getting to know one another.
Where does he/she leave his phone?
Hanging out:
If he or she is constantly on their phone, checking messages, answering calls or playing a game, then you are definitely just hanging out. If they can't keep their phone away, then they aren't really concerned about giving you much attention.
If the phone stays tucked away in a pocket, then it's a date. This shows that they are more interested in getting to know you and it is the reason they asked you out in the first place.
What questions do they ask?
Hanging out:
If they keep the questions general like how the weather's been, chances are you are just hanging out.
They'll ask you more personal questions about your family, interests, and life in general. Unlike just hanging out, they want to make a connection with you and show their interest in you.
How nervous are they?
Hanging out:
Are we dating or just hanging out can be determined by how nervous the other person is. If they aren't trying to impress you or seem to be carefree, they are probably only interested in you as a friend.
On the other hand, if they are nervous, seem to fidget more or are trying to impress you without making it too obvious, you're on a date.
They want to make sure you are having a good time or not?
Hanging out:
If you are just hanging out, they won't really care if you like the place. They might give you their opinions and even let you know how bored they are of the place, but they won't be too bent out of shape if you don't really like the place.
They specifically ask you how you like the place, how your food is and if you are enjoying yourself. If you mention something you don't like, they may feel as though it is their fault for picking the place and feel the need to put in, even more, effort to ensure you enjoy yourself.
Do they bring up other love interests?
Hanging out:
It's a given rule that if they are asking for advice about what to do about the other person they are interested in, you are not dating. If they also keep bringing up their ex without being prompted, even if it is a date, this is not someone you want to be dating.
They don't talk about their exs, don't notice the attractive waitress and definitely aren't asking for relationship advice. Instead, they get the topics to your interests and their focus on you.
How does the night end?
Hanging out:
If you end the night with a simple “bye” or an awkward hug, then you both go your separate ways, you were just hanging out.
They make sure to hail you a cab, walk you to your door, and there's a good night kiss, well you were on a date.
The follow-up
Hanging out:
If you are wondering “are we dating or just hanging out”, just refer to the follow-up message or lack of one. If they haven't messaged you for days after you have met up, then you were just a hang out buddy.
If it was a date, they will let you know they had a good time with you and that they can't wait to see you again.
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